10 Roles for Leading Toward Deeper Learning

As schools shift to personalized, competency-based deeper learning, how will the roles of leaders change?
What sorts of skills, habits and mindsets will support these significant changes in education?
What roles do leaders play to create and support deeper learning environments?
These are three key questions we explored in a new interactive guide with Digital Promise titled, Preparing Leaders for Deeper Learning.
To answer these questions, we invited a diverse set of voices to contribute – ranging from current practicing principals to representatives from pioneering programs and organizations whose missions address educational leadership challenges. We reviewed the research on leadership development and spent a year tracking the progress of high-performing educational leadership programs, talking to practitioners and researchers at conferences and events to learn from others passionate people about this work. All told, dozens of conversations and blog contributions resulted in 10 roles required to lead toward deeper learning.
To set and convey a vision for deeper learning, leaders must be vision builders and conversation leaders.
To innovate and manage the shifts in teaching and learning, leaders must be design thinkers, smart innovators and change managers.
To lead for deeper learning outcomes, leaders must be deeper learning instructional leaders, distributive leaders and advocates for all students.
To engage and scale for deeper learning, leaders must be civic and community catalysts and policy advocates.
More than 50 contributors that helped shape these roles by sharing their stories from schools and organizations across the country. Read their stories and be inspired to lead toward deeper learning in Preparing Leaders for Deeper Learning.
For more on the shift to deeper learning, see:
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