Preparing Teachers For Deeper Learning

Preparing Teachers For Deeper Learning
Authored by Karen Cator, Carri Schneider, Tom Vander Ark
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In partnership with: Digital Promise
“Preparing Teachers For Deeper Learning” outlines how the role of teachers is changing amid broader shifts to personalized, blended, and deeper learning. In order for the current state of teacher preparation and development to evolve accordingly, the authors, Tom Vander Ark, CEO of Getting Smart, Dr. Carri Schneider, Director of Policy and Research of Getting Smart, and Karen Cator, President and CEO of Digital Promise recommend professional learning opportunities that echo the type of personalized learning that is recommended for students. Authors also recommend professional learning opportunities that offer:
- Balance between teacher-defined goals, goals as defined by administration through teacher evaluation efforts, and school and district educational goals;
- Some element of teacher control over time, place, path and/or pace;
- Job-embedded and meaningful integration into classroom practice; and
- Competency-based progression.
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