LDC School District Kenton County (KY) Cited as a “Trailblazer”

Like many districts, Kenton County in Kentucky is embarking on the Common Core implementation path. But unlike most districts, they are a little ahead of the game and already on their fourth year of having teachers use the standards as the basis for instruction. With coaching, instructional leadership and using classroom observation tools, teachers feel accountable as well as supported for implementing the standards into the classroom environment. Even after four years though, Kenton County is still dealing with some challenges, but their lessons learned can definitely help guide other districts as they too begin the journey.
LDC School District Kenton County (KY) Cited as a “Trailblazer” in Fordham Institute Research Report first appeared on the LDC Blog on April 8th, 2014.
By: Jeannie Sharkey
In Common Core in the Districts: An Early Look at Early Implementers (2014), Education First researchers Katie Cristol and Brinton S. Ramsey, in collaboration with the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, profile four “early implementer” school districts to examine factors that are key to successful implementations of standards-based reform: communications, leadership, curricular materials, professional development, and assessment and accountability.
Part Three of the Fordham report (District Case Studies) presents four case studies, the first of which, The Trailblazer: Kenton County School District, profiles Kenton County (KY)—a key LDC district—now in its fourth year of implementation.
Learn how the use of LDC science and social studies modules district-wide has been instrumental in creating rigorous, literacy-rich assignments to prepare Kenton County students for success in college and career. Read the full report here.
Jeannie Sharkey is responsible for guiding LDC communications and strategic marketing efforts, working closely with LDC team members and partners. Prior to joining LDC, Jeannie served as Senior Marketing Manager of Professional Development & Services at Scholastic Education for nearly ten years.
LDC is a Getting Smart Advocacy Partner.

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