50 Hashtags For Connected Educators
Last year at this time, Terry Heick at TeachThought inspired us to sort through and post our favorite hashtags. In just a year, we’ve grown from 36 to 50 favorite hashtags. We think that’s #awesome.
Priority Hashtags
- #EdChat
- #EdTech
- #DigLN
- #SmartSeries
- #EdPolicy
- #BlendedLearning
- #OnlineLearning
- #EdLeaders
- #EdSocial
Others we use
- #SocialMedia
- #EduVC
- #HigherEd
- #EdReform
- #spedchat
- #blendchat
- #edtechchat
- #competencyEd
- #getblended
- #mooc
- #makered
- #mobilelearning
- #ptchat
- #OER
- #JiJimath
- #mathchat
- #scichat
- #socialstudies
- #STEMwire
- #eInstruct
- #Cworks
- #CommonCore
- #FlippedClassroom
- #FlipClass
- #innovation
- #IOLchat
- #CharterSchools
- #ntchat
- #mlearning
- #elearning
- #engchat
- #langchat
- #LRNchat
- #education
- #teacher
- #edu
- #learning
- #playlists
And this week, track #inacol13What hashtags are you following in the education space?
We share about Project Based Learning with #PBLChat .
Karen Nemeth
Don't miss #ELLCHAT for all educators who teach any English language learners - 24 hour stream of info plus live, topical chat Mondays 9:00pm eastern time.
Larry Hyde
You may want it include #mpclearn, the twitter home of the Midwest Principals' Center