50 Hashtags For Connected Educators

Last year at this time, Terry Heick at TeachThought inspired us to sort through and post our favorite hashtags. In just a year, we’ve grown from 36 to 50 favorite hashtags. We think that’s #awesome.

Priority Hashtags

  1. #EdChat
  2. #EdTech
  3. #DigLN
  4. #SmartSeries
  5. #EdPolicy
  6. #BlendedLearning
  7. #OnlineLearning
  8. #EdLeaders
  9. #STEM
  10. #EdSocial

Others we use

  1. #SocialMedia
  2. #EduVC
  3. #HigherEd
  4. #EdReform
  5. #spedchat
  6. #SPED
  7. #blendchat
  8. #edtechchat
  9. #competencyEd
  10. #getblended
  11. #mooc
  12. #makered
  13. #mobilelearning
  14. #ptchat
  15. #OER
  16. #JiJimath
  17. #mathchat
  18. #scichat
  19. #socialstudies
  20. #STEMwire
  21. #eInstruct
  22. #Cworks
  23. #CommonCore
  24. #CCSS
  25. #FlippedClassroom
  26. #FlipClass
  27. #innovation
  28. #IOLchat
  29. #CharterSchools
  30. #ntchat
  31. #mlearning
  32. #elearning
  33. #engchat
  34. #langchat
  35. #LRNchat
  36. #education
  37. #teacher
  38. #edu
  39. #learning
  40. #playlists
And this week, track #inacol13
What hashtags are you following in the education space?


Getting Smart Staff

The Getting Smart Staff believes in learning out loud and always being an advocate for things that we are excited about. As a result, we write a lot. Do you have a story we should cover? Email [email protected]

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We share about Project Based Learning with #PBLChat .

Karen Nemeth

Don't miss #ELLCHAT for all educators who teach any English language learners - 24 hour stream of info plus live, topical chat Mondays 9:00pm eastern time.



Larry Hyde

You may want it include #mpclearn, the twitter home of the Midwest Principals' Center

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