#EdTechChat: Student and Teacher Curation

Tonight’s #EdTechChat (Monday’s at 8pmET) on curation featured guest moderator Steven W. Anderson (@web20classroom). Rockstar educator Jerry Blumengarten (@cybraryman1) set the tone for the chat with this great thought, “A curator is a constant learner who should model that trait for their students.”
We loved these thoughts on curation as well;

“Curation is how one creatively makes sense of the world around them. It promotes passion and innovation,” said @bcurrie5.
“A curator is an expert learner -“he creates spaces in which knowledge can be created, explored, and connected,” said@L_Hilt: from: @gsiemens

We listed great curation resources below from the chat and please add others we missed to the comments section. Make sure to check out the wiki page for archives of the chat and info on the fabulous hosts from this week. Tonight’s questions and some of favorite responses are below.
1. What, for you is curation? What does that mean?

  • aimeegbartis: A1- to me curations means saving resources in a way that my teachers can easily access them
  • CMBPensacola: A1: 2 me, curation is collecting/organizing resources for quick access and repeated use
  • MaineSchoolTech: A1: Redefining learning. Memorization is dead. It’s all about knowing how to find what you need when you need it.
  • weltyteaching: A1 – Ss creating content to demonstrate learning
  • SrtaLisa: A1 Curation = sharing with purpose and context around a centralized theme
  • Kairosedtech:  A1: Content curation is sorting through vast amounts of information to sort it out in meaningful ways
  • cybraryman1: A1 Gathering and organization of resources. #edtechchat
  • web20classroom: Curation is more than just gathering. Its organizing, tagging, vetting, evaluating, and most importantly, sharing.

2. So how do you as a teacher, or how do teachers in general benefit from curation?

  • thomascmurray: A2: “The smartest person in the room, is the room.” Teachers benefit when the curation is collaborated and shared.
  • KatePeila: A2: Collaborative curation provides me with peer-reviewed resources… time saving!
  • weltyteaching: A2 – I appreciate my PLN Ts and their curation of useful information and links to it, has changed the way I teach
  • mbkudrna: A2: Ts benefit from curation by having vetted resources that are meaningful and organized.
  • Kairosedtech: A2: Curation makes my teaching more effective. It helps share powerful resources and point out in the right direction
  • ajpodchaski: A2: Curation is a natural part of what we do as educators. Gather resources, and distribute them to those we teach
  • gpworden: A2: Time saver, as well as evaluative – can watch progression of curated info. As updated, must evaluate strength of info avail.
  • Jstevens009: A2: Curation gives me all of the twitterverse’s best ideas in one condensed location

3. How do students benefit from curation?

  • KatrinaStevens1: A3 Digital input bombards students; we must help them evaluate & apply reliable & useful info.
  • premediawine: A3 Ss learn to sort what is important, what to keep, what to share, where to share and who can see it! Curation is so important!
  • KatePeila: A3: Curation helps hone and cultivate best practices in educators thus enriching the classroom for Ss.
  • principal64: A3, they learn to evaluate sources of info and determine if they are worthy of using in their work
  • TechTeacherT: A3: Ss benefit from curation in the same way that humans benefit from organization. It makes things logical = easy to understand
  • RafranzDavis: A3 Students learn about research, evaluation, growth and acknowledgement of resources-All powerful tools
  • PaulSolarz: A3 – Students benefit from curation by being able to choose what tool works best for them or what info is most important.

4. What apps or sites are you using to curation knowledge?

5. Briefly, what are you curating now? What can you share that you want others to see or help with?

  • MrStaubSTEM: A5- I am currently curating #blendedlearning tools, tips, etc to help teachers create blended courses for next year
  • PaulSolarz: A5 – I’m always on the lookout for free web tools (and iPad apps) that help develop 21st Century skills in my students.
  • MaineSchoolTech: A5: I’m trying to help rethink our Library into a true Learning Commons so I’m curating curation constantly, if that’s possible
  • Kairosedtech: I’ve been curating for different #edtech topics mostly using Bookmarks form Chrome. It’s basic but it’s working
  • MurphysMusings5: A5 Curating best tools and best practice for disseminating new tech learning to teachers. Preparing for a new tech position.
  • thomascmurray: A5: Worked collaboratively to develop this weekly twitter chat list

6. What are you going to do different/more/add as a result of our conversation

  • iplante: A6 sadly I will add more tools to my list of things to use 🙂
  • brianfahey61: A6: I’m going to have a look at some tools and think more about my 5th graders as curators, see how I can help them with it
  • principal64: A6, go to @cybraryman1 page and read Jerry’s ideas!
  • MaryAnnReilly: A6. I plan to think a lot about curation and consumption and what might/is happening when we replace one with the other.
  • thomascmurray: A6: I’m going to invite @web20classroom back to moderate another awesome chat!! Thanks again, Steven!
  • rwootenits: A6 I’m going to organize my live binders and not become a “hoarder”. Thanks to #twitter for giving me an outlet to share.
  • NuSkoolOfficial: A6: Link with other creators to identify ways to be even more useful for teachers

Perfectly summing up the chat, @MrStaubSTEM said, “Don’t fear starting curation process. Take a risk. We want students to take risks. You may not get it perfect at first, but keep going.”

Caroline Vander Ark

Caroline is President of Getting Smart.

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Anna Pedroza

We'd love teachers to try out www.mediacore.com/free to help them curate and share their video resources. We're pretty passionate about it :-)

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