#EdTechChat: Tech Infused PD

Our team started off the week right with another great #EdTechChat (Mondays 8pmET) last night. The spirited group of education leaders discussed how technology is shifting professional development for teachers. The group seemed to echo comments that PD should start to look like content that students are asking for; engaging, motivating and available on demand. There was lots of discussion about PD that is personalized for teacher’s wants and needs. The group also seemed to agree that teachers need to ask for the PD they want and deserve to be successful.
For more on how #blendedlearning is improving the teaching profession see our infographic and “Improving Conditions & Careers: How Blended Learning Can Improve The Teaching Profession” paper released last week.
Check out the wiki page for archives of the chat and info on the fabulous hosts from this week. Last night’s questions and some of favorite responses are below.
1. What does EFFECTIVE professional development look like?
- Learn21TechA1: effective PD allows Ts to be in control, offers release time and interdisciplinary collaboration to be possible
- ryanhorne0076A1: It looks like staff using what they learned one year later, instead of forgetting it he next day.
- garnet_hillman: A1 effective PD is engaging and leaves you feeling inspired to action
- aimeegbartis Q1: effective PD gives teachers something they can do right away – ACTIONABLE
- weltyteaching: A1 – teacher driven PD, time to cooperatively learn with/from colleagues – Dan from near Boston, HS Physics
2. How can technology support the professional development process?
- thomascmurray A2: Technology allows for 24/7 PD. We recently ran ‘pd in your pjs’ and had evening sessions utilizing tech resources.
- Learn21Tech: A2: tech can enhance PD by providing pre and post PD resources, you can even flip your PD through
- ryanhorne0076: Tech supports PD process by keeping the conversation going through digital support. Use web 2.0 to continue the process.
- JanetLDee: A2 With technology, PD can be anytime, anywhere. Helps tchrs balance their schedules.
- jmaraldo: A2: Tech empowers all the learners to become leaders… Adding to the conversation and learning
- ckoos1: A2: also tech can help educators connect with others to collaborate; #Twitter can be used, for example!
3. What should technology-related professional development look like?
- ajpodchaski: A3: It should be more than a how-to, more like a what-for and a why-this and a what’s-next!
- principal64: A3, ETAN link, edtechactionnetwork.org/technology-and…
- s_bearden: A3: Tech PD should always start with the why!
- Mamarobertson4: @thomascmurray a3: edcamp model is great!
- stmbaker: A3: Depends on what your goals are in regards to what you want to learn about.
- premediawine: A3 #edtechchat connecting Ts w their passion and incorporating experts.
- NuSkoolOfficial: A3: Illustrate the power of incorporating technology into the classroom
4. Are specific certifications in tools and techniques a necessary part of PD?
- ajpodchaski: A4: Depending on emphasis, they have a role – coming from a #CETL – Certified Educational technology Leader 🙂
- iplante: A4 I am not certified edtech…but love tech and love teaching LD students…marry the two concepts to meet students needs…
- chards74: A4 No, I think if someone knows their stuff. They don’t need a special certificate to help share learning.
- MrCsays: A4 – we do different levels based on ability and people can put themselves into their own classes
- swpax: A4: No. Many self-taught folks become experts to highly proficient w/out cert’s. cert’s sometimes serve profit interests, not ed
- aimeegbartis: A4 – I don’t think certification is always necessary. Successful experience is REQUIRED!
- elanaleoni: A4: I’d like to see some student-led PD. #edtechchat Anyone done this?
5. How can various web tools and social media be used for professional development?
- mandyeellis: A5: we tweet during PLCs at #dgslearns. Quick and immediate collaboration and learning
- iplante: Twitter is the ultimate teacher PD that should be learned and embraced!
- principal64: A5, It will take a paradigm shift for those filtering Ts and admins out of social media sites
- MrCsays: A5 – if you aren’t using Twitter or another SM, lurk on a chat one day. You will see why they are so powerful
- Learn21Tech: A5: every teacher should consider being on twitter and building PLN
- mwhite_science: A5: there is depth in diversity, the more the merrier or the more the more intelligent!
- KevinJGrace: A5- love how social media- Pinterest, twitter, Facebook and YouTube have helped teachers grow. A great new community for PD!
- ajpodchaski: A5: Protect everyone with the correct #digcit policy, then give them mentors on using the tools, not just instructions
6. What are some great PD resources and links? Please share! (just a few of the great links shared)
- http://www.edutopia.org/diy-professional-development-resources?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=post&utm_content=article&utm_campaign=AIT
- http://www.bpsedtech.org/
- http://www.edutopia.org/twitter-professional-development-technology-microblogging
- http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/
- http://www.edutopia.org/teacher-development-research-evidence-based-practices-programs
- http://www.teachthought.com/social-media/100-of-the-best-twitter-tools-for-teachers-by-category/
- http://drkudrnasblog.weebly.com/
- https://docs.google.com/a/gettingsmart.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiftIdjCeWSXdDRLRzNsVktUUGJpRWJhdUlWLS1Genc#gid=0
- http://www.teachthought.com/social-media/the-20-most-useful-hashtags-in-education
- http://edge.ascd.org/_A-New-Kind-Of-Twitter-PD/blog/5188264/127586.html
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/becoming-networked-educator/id647623511

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