Staff Picks: Teaching, Testing, Gamification, Writing, & Cheaper Higher Ed
Caroline Picks “Thank You Teachers“
Caroline says, “Our entire team is grateful for the amazing teachers that get up everyday to change a student’s life. I was fortunate to have a teacher that transformed by education, attitude and goals in 5th grade. Thanks to Mr. Wezeman I realized that every student learns in different ways and at different speeds. He allowed our entire class to choose how and when we focused on projects and subjects. Thank you for the powerful teachers!”
Tom Pick “What Does Going Digital Mean for K-12 Teaching, Learning & Assessment“
CCSSO and the K-12 Center at ETS hosted a conference on Tech Enhanced Assessment. In my lunch keynote I talked about profiles, playlists, projects, and progress based on demonstrated mastery.
Carri Picks “Gamification: Accelerating Learning For Business & Education“
Carri says, “This article fit in so perfectly to a chat Edsurge had last week about game-based learning (GBL). Everyone in that chat wanted to know what what good GBL looked like and this nailed it.”
Sarah Picks “Prize Means More Writing, Deeper Learning for American Students“
Sarah says, “Writing is one of the greatest skills students can develop for their futures. Finding effective ways to measure, provide feedback and more can move the needle of success for students in the future.”
Karen Picks “Make education cheap and plentiful“
Karen says, “From a Harrop makes a powerful argument to “make the education product cheap and plentiful. Online or informal learning should lead the way. Independent of age, income level or past grades, Americans should be able to get the education they need and the education they want.”
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