Dr. Fernande Raine on Russia, Teaching Peace and Global Citizenship
Key Points
We teach myths until we realize they are really hurting someone. This point is usually too late to stop it.
Education has largely removed international affairs and peace from the curriculum. We must bring it back in.

On this episode of the Getting Smart Podcast Tom Vander Ark is joined (again) by Dr. Fernande Raine, the Founder of The History Co:Lab, social entrepreneur and Russia scholar. She also leads The Learning Collaborative, an organization that works to change the way we teach and collaborate around history.
What are the values that drive us? What do we want to protect?
Dr. Fernande Raine
- The History Co:Lab
- Dr. Fernande Raine On Using History and Museums to Incubate Changemakers
- Turning Points: New Mental Models
- The Asia Society: International Affairs
- Untextbooked
- Mastery Transcript Consortium
- XQ
- Asia Society: Council on Foreign Relations
- World Savvy: Global Competence
- Reimagining Migration
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