Posts by Emily Liebtag
Kepner Keeps True to the Innovation Model
Kepner Beacon Middle School is in its inaugural year, but it has already developed an impressive program. Here, I share some photos that outline what I saw in my recent visit to the school.
Houston High Schools Provide Career Options and Choice for Students
By: Emily Liebtag and Tom Vander Ark. All across Houston, there are high schools that range in focus from law enforcement to language. Join us for a look at the innovative programs that two of these schools are using to develop career-ready students.
6 Writing Projects for Students in the Internet Era
Today's students will be expected to write in a variety of new formats when they enter the working world, and it’s important to prepare them to face these challenges. Here are six writing projects to prepare students for wtiting in the internet era.
Infographic | Engagement in a Digital Learning Environment
In a world where we are inundated with information and media, keeping students engaged can be challenging. Rich, digital content that is scaffolded and personalized for students can be a solution.
Really Ready Students in Action
Recently we have been writing about what it means to be #ReallyReady for college, work and life, discussing five critical dimensions of readiness. Here are several examples of schools that implement these elements for their students.
Science Assessments Under NGSS: What Can We Expect?
The introduction of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) has been a catalyst for the development of assessments that are more aligned to what we actually want next-gen scientists to be able to do and perform.
PBL Quick Start Guide For Teachers
We realize that educators need ideas for how to take steps toward becoming more PBL prepared, so we created this PBL Quick Start Guide for teachers interested in starting or continuing their journey to become more project-ready.
Rethinking High School: Badging, Competency-Based and Real-World Work
I recently had a chance to visit Del Lago Academy in California, where school leaders are rethinking high school to help students problem-solve, think creatively and create their own meaningful solutions.
Passionate + Flexible = Key Traits of Great PBL Teachers
Teachers and students from Bulldog Tech in San Jose, California students discuss qualities and characteristics of great PBL teachers and why they think learning through projects is powerful.
Preparing Teachers for Project-Based Learning
One important aspect of teacher preparation today is project-based learning. Here are five reasons we feel teachers should be PBL prepared and five key practices of a PBL teacher.