Posts by Emily Liebtag
Personalized Standards-Based Instruction Tied to Social Emotional Learning
Social-emotional learning does not have to be separate from academic learning or from the rest of the academic day, but can be a part of personalized standards-based instruction. Here are several tools and examples to help.
Teaching is a Project-Based Profession: 10 PBL Teacher Mindsets
Today's teachers who are training students (and our eventual future employees) have a great task at hand preparing students to successfully manage projects. Here are 10 mindsets successful project-based teachers have.
3 Ideas for Using Virtual Reality with Place Based Ed
With the help of virtual reality, place-based education can extend beyond when students are outdoors or visiting a particular location, as well as create equitable opportunities for all students to experience different places.
Maker Education for All Ages
Learners of all ages need the opportunity to learn in a makerspace, regardless of whether or not it is an initiative at their school or place of work. Here are examples of where that is happening and where to go to learn more.
Focus on Fighting Poverty, Not the Students Living in It
In his book Poor Students, Rich Teaching, Eric Jensen shares how focusing on combating the effects of poverty, not on “what poor students cannot do,” to be a key catalyst for change.
Equitable Education for Students in Poverty Starts with the Teacher
In "Poor Students, Rich Teaching," author Eric Jensen discusses how teachers who choose to better understand poverty and work to change mindsets can be one of the biggest factors in making a difference for these students.
Next Generation Science Standards Aligned Open Simulations and Tools
The funding needed to implement NGSS in schools unfortunately means some districts will be left out. However, here are several standards aligned open simulations and tools that can still provide access to this teaching and learning approach.
14 Educators and Resources Pushing for Progress
Whenever I feel in need of a positive reminder or a little encouragement, here are some of the educators and resources I turn to who continue pushing to make the world a better place.
Smart Review | The Visual Edge
A book that provides educators resources to engage students in deeper learning connected to the Common Core State Standards, while also helping them visualize and organize their thoughts.
New Classroom Ideas Come from Colleagues
I was curious as to how today's teachers are finding inspiration for their classroom. So I asked around 60 of my educator colleagues where they find their best ideas, and here is what I found.