Smart List | 40 STEM Networks and Maker Resources

If you’re anything like us, you’re always looking for new inexpensive (or better yet, free) resources that can introduce more students to STEM and maker education. There are a lot out there, but the really useful ones can be hard to find.
Here are 40 resources that we think are doing a great job of expanding access and pushing the envelope.
Maker Resources
- AgentSheets: Game design
- Arduino: Open-source electronics prototyping platform
- Blink Blink: Designs maker kits with girls, for girls
- DIY: Place for kids to share what they do
- Imagination Foundation: Host of the Global Cardboard Challenge
- Kano: DIY computer you build and code
- Lego Mindstorms: Build and program robots
- LittleBits: No soldering, wiring, or programming required
- MakerBot: Global leader in desktop in 3D printing
- Maker Faire: String of big show and tell events
- Maker Education Initiative: Start your maker search here
- MaKey MaKey: Turn everyday objects into touchpads
- Modular Robotics: Makes of MOSS and Cubelets robot toys
STEM Networks & Resources
- Digital Harbor Foundation: Urban tech center (see Getting Smart feature on Baltimore)
- Engineering is Elementary: Great K-5 STEM content
- Exploratorium: Learning lab on Pier 15 in San Francisco
- NASA Education: Amazing amount of learning resources
- National Academy Foundation: 667 career academies (see Getting Smart feature)
- New Tech Network: 180 schools (see Getting Smart feature)
- National Math and Science Initiative: Pre-AP curriculum and training and more
- Project Lead the Way: Used in over 8000 schools (see Getting Smart feature)
- STEM Connector: Place for advocates to connect online
- UTeach Institute: Fast track STEM teacher preparation
State STEM Networks
- Arizona STEM Network: Led by Science Foundation Arizona
- California STEM Learning Network: Bringing together a wide range of stakeholders in California
- Colorado STEM: A community-driven effort to develop and implement the Colorado STEM Education Roadmap
- DC STEM Network: Inspiring and preparing all DC youth to succeed, lead, and innovate
- Educate Texas: Public-private network of seven T-STEM Centers and 60+ Academies
- Idaho STEM Action Center: Connecting resources, students, teachers and businesses
- Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council: Increasing STEM interest and achievement
- I-STEM Resource Network: Working to reform K-8 science education in Indiana through the Indiana Science Initiative (ISI)
- NC STEM Learning Network: Has a strong statewide collaborator in NC New Schools
- North Carolina SMT: Created in 2002 to help provide students with the resources, knowledge and skills to excel in STEM
- NYS STEM Education Collaborative: Coalition of 10 regional New York networks
- Ohio STEM Learning Network: Anchored by Battelle and Metro, a great Columbus STEM school
- S²TEM Centers SC: “Wants learners to experience the “WOW” of STEM, everyday, in and out of school”
- STEM Action Center Utah: Drives research and implementation of STEM education best practices across Utah
- Tennessee STEM Innovation Network: Promoting and expanding the teaching and learning of STEM in K-12 schools across Tennessee
- T-STEM: Public-private initiative of Texas academies, professional development centers and networks
- Washington STEM: Seven regional STEM networks in Washington State
We’re sure we missed some great resources. What would you add? Share in the comments section below, and don’t forget to check out our other recent Smart Lists at our Smart List Series Page.
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This Smart List is sponsored by Getting Smart Services, Getting Smart’s consulting division that helps schools, districts, networks and impact-oriented partners create, implement and amplify thought leadership campaigns, education initiatives, powerful learning experiences and forward-leaning strategies. Learn more about what they can do to support your education initiatives here.
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Thanks for this smart list. Keep it up
Thanks for a great list! I love doing STEM activities with Lincoln Logs in my Kindergarten classroom.