Getting Smart on Social Media 2.0

In celebration of the eighth annual Social Media Day, today we launch Getting Smart on Social Media 2.0. Social Media Day was started by Mashable (@MashSMDay) as a way to celebrate and recognize social’s impact on global communication. Every day, individuals and organizations use social media to connect to people, cultures, movements and campaigns from around the world.
In education, social media has been used as a way for educators to connect with each other, learn new strategies, glean ideas and share successes. For students, it can be a way to connect with others outside their immediate community. For all of us, it’s a way to build community with people we wouldn’t be able to reach otherwise.
As wonderful as social media platforms can be, when you’re unfamiliar with them it can be very overwhelming. To help, we’ve created Getting Smart on Social Media 2.0 (an update to our original bundle).
Traditional communication efforts are continuously being replaced by the use of new media and social media. Facebook and Twitter have provided the opportunity to reach a wide audience quickly, with differentiated messages tailored to a particular platform. Today’s social media channels are also creating opportunities for two-way communication. This interactive communication is allowing schools, districts and companies to reach new audiences, join important conversations and have meaningful communication online.
As we share in the bundle, there are incredible benefits to social media if you use it right. “Getting Smart on Social Media 2.0” is a guide to help you effectively and strategically use all the social media channels effectively and strategically. You will learn how to:
- Use Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and LinkedIn like a pro.
- Effectively, strategically, and easily use these social media channels to reach targeted audiences in new and meaningful ways.
- Amplify your impact as a teacher, school leader or edupreneur through the integration and application of social media tools.
Download the Bundle
And, in addition to the bundle, check out these social media resources to learn more:
- To Tweet or Not to Tweet, There Really Is No Question
- Time to Take Interest in Pinterest
- How to Effectively Integrate Pinterest Into Your Classroom
- Popular Twitter Chats for Every Day (or Night) of the Week
- The Educator’s Guide to Social Media
- Kids, Smart Phones and Social Media: 6 Rules for Success and Safety
This Smart Bundle was published in partnership with Getting Smart Services. Together with our partners, Getting Smart Services designs customized partnerships to amplify and extend the work of those dedicated to impacting the way the world learns. Through our advocacy, advisory and coaching services, we work with impact-oriented partners to invent the future of learning.
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