Smart List: 50+ Advocacy Organizations Making a Difference

It is important for us all to be making our voices heard in conversations about education policy and funding. Now more than ever, considering our current political climate and the changing world around us, it is our responsibility to be spreading the word about what makes a high-quality learning experience that can prepare students for a future of uncertainty and change.
That being said, however, we know how hard it can be to find the time and energy to get involved in the conversation. That’s why today, we are excited to take a moment to recognize the following 55 great policy and advocacy organizations that are putting students first, illuminating the path to change and leading the most pressing conversations.
Equity Advocates
- 50CAN: network of 10 state EdReform advocates
- The 74: news site covering education
- Achieve: national leader in college & career readiness
- Alliance for Excellent Education: sponsors of Digital Learning Day and Future Ready
- America Achieves: capacity development for quality education
- American Enterprise Institute: advocates for markets and enterprise
- American Youth Policy Forum: broadening the awareness of policymakers
- Center for American Progress: thoughtful progressive voice
- The Center for Education Reform: advocates for options (see recap of a recent conference on EdReform Revived)
- Democrats for Education Reform: promotes fundamental reform
- Education Post: civil conversation united by a common belief in the power of education to transform lives
- Education Reimagined: advocates for student-centered learning
- The Education Trust: exposing and attacking the achievement gap
- Foundation for Excellence in Education: student access to quality options
- Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation: equity, access and entrepreneurship
- Michael & Susan Dell Foundation: committed to helping underserved students by increasing access to quality education
- National College Transition Network: advocates for nontraditional learners
- National Council of Young Leaders – Opportunity Youth United: opportunity youth who advocate for community change
- Policy Innovators Network: convener of state advocacy organizations
- Stand for Children: network of state groups attacking the gaps
Personalized & Competency-Based Learning Advocates
- Aspen Institute: fosters leadership and hosts interactive forums on critical issues (including a commission with CASEL on social, emotional and academic development)
- Competency Works: online community for competency-based learning (see blog and podcast on Mesa County schools, a joint kick-off to an extensive CompetencyWorks series)
- Christensen Institute: the disruptive innovation folks
- Consortium Of School Networking (CoSN): the district IT folks
- Digital Promise: accelerating innovation in K-12 learning
- Ed-Fi Alliance: advocating for (and providing) state-wide data standards to enable higher-quality learning
- Great Schools Partnership: New England advocate for student-centered and competency-based learning
- Highlander Institute: researching, developing and disseminating innovative methods to improve outcomes
- International Association for K–12 Online Learning (iNACOL): best source for online, blended and competency-based learning
- International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE): Advocates for “digital age learning policy and tools”
- The Learning Accelerator: supporting high quality blended learning
- Mastery Transcript Consortium: a collective of high schools organized around an alternative model of assessment, crediting and transcript generation.
- Partnership for 21st Century Learning: a coalition of business, education and government leaders aiming to help “learners acquire the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in a world where change is constant and learning never stops”
- Software & Information Industry Association: tech integration, STEM and role of private providers
- State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA): state EdTech directors
Policy Advisors & Resources
- Bellwether Education Partners: education consultants
- Center on Reinventing Public Education: leader on portfolio strategy
- Council of Chief State School Officers: where state superintendents learn
- Education Council: federal and state policy advisors
- Education First: education consultants
- Evergreen Education Group: blended and online learning experts
- Thomas B. Fordham Institute: thoughtful conservative voice
- Jobs for the Future: school to work, student-centered learning
- National Council on Teacher Quality: comprehensive reform agenda
- New America: forward leaning progressive shop
- Public Impact: consultants that created Opportunity Culture
- Student Achievement Partners: free resources to achieve the Core
State Advocacy Organizations
- Advance Illinois
- Colorado Children’s Campaign
- Colorado Succeeds
- EdVoice, CA
- Fordham Institute, OH
- Foundation for Florida’s Future, FL
- League of Education Voters, WA
- Rodel Foundation of Delaware
- State Collaborative on Reforming Education, TN
Who did we miss? Who would you add? Share in the comments section below, and to see more of our past lists, check out our Smart List Series Page.
Looking ahead, our February theme is “Readiness for All”, covering topics such as CTE, Innovative College Programs, Mentorship & Coaching, and Bootcamps. Keep an eye out for our February Smart Lists, which will include features on top HigherEd innovators, CTE game-changers, and organizations doing good work for post-secondary access and equity.
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This Smart List is sponsored by Getting Smart Services, Getting Smart’s consulting division that helps schools, districts, networks and impact-oriented partners create, implement and amplify thought leadership campaigns, education initiatives, powerful learning experiences and forward-leaning strategies. Learn more about what they can do to support your education initiatives here.
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Gregg Sinders
BEST NC - Sister org to Colorado Succeeds in NC
Erik Day
Thanks for sharing, Gregg!