2017 SXSWedu PanelPicker is Open!

It’s that time again! Time to vote for which panels you want to see at SXSWedu in 2017.
Community votes and comments for SXSWedu are open on the PanelPicker from now until Friday, September 2.
If you aren’t registered to vote yet, it’s really quick and easy to do. Click here and sign up: panelpicker.sxsw.com.
Since public voting counts for 30% of the acceptance decision for the main event, take a second and click on the links below to give some of these awesome sessions your thumbs up, click the tweet boxes to share what you voted for and invite your Twitter followers to vote as well!
Smart Sessions
Leading and Learning in a Project-Based World
Project work will dominate careers of today’s students. Explore the implications for preparing students for a relationship economy through the lens of teaching and learning through projects. What does equitable preparation for students look like in a project-based world? How is high-tech and high-quality project-based learning (PBL) promoting deeper learning outcomes for all students? There will be a spirited moderator and an empty chair next to three edleaders. Join the group of edleader panelists at anytime to bring in big ideas! Then it’s the audience’s turn for interactive Q & A. Leave with new ways of thinking about learning and leading in a project-based world.
- Tom Vander Ark, Getting Smart
- Bob Lenz, Buck Institute for Education
- Lydia Dobyns, New Tech Network
- Marc Chun, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
[bctt tweet=”Vote with me for this all star #SXSWEdu panel @TVanderark @pblbob @HFMarcChun @LydiaDobyns” username=”getting_smart”]
Creating a Social Campaign in the Education Sector
To some, the marriage of ed reform and branding feels a bit too, well, icky. But there are important lessons to be learned from the worlds of advertising and campaigning. This is no session–it’s an expedition using the city of Austin as staging ground for an education campaign you hope to launch. You will define key messages, select the best social media platform for launch and top it all off with a hashtag. The best campaign (as voted on by your session peers) will actually be “launched” with the support of a nationally prominent blog. Bring your creativity, your mobile device, your competitive juices and your walking shoes.
- Chris Jackson, Big Picture Learning
- Bonnie Lathram, Getting Smart
[bctt tweet=”Join me in voting for @CJacksonj13 & @BeLathram’s #SXSWedu social campaign panel” username=”getting_smart”]
Genius Loci: Education With a Sense of Place
The challenges of the modern world will not be addressed by technology alone. We must leverage the “power of place” to equip students with the skills they need through authentic experiences to collaborate, think critically and solve complex challenges–an absolute requirement as we build a modern workforce. This interactive, immersive session will demonstrate how schools can serve as the foundation for highly functioning democratic and sustainable societies through Place-Based Education. Come explore how PBE can be an entry point into high-impact, personalized learning for students, teachers and communities.
- Carri Schneider, Getting Smart
- Nate McClennen, Teton Science Schools
- Joan Massey, Chavez Schools
[bctt tweet=”Vote with me to explore #placebaseded at #SXSWedu w/ @carrischneider @joan_masseyEd @Tetonscience” username=”getting_smart”]
Friends & Partner Sessions:
BYO-EdTech Challenge! Supporting Blended Learning
- John Sipe, Curriculum Associates
Closing the Equity Gap by Nurturing Growth Mindset
- Aurora Martinez, Curriculum Associates
Less Fluff, More Stuff: Engaging Early Learners
- Christine Zanchi, Curriculum Associates
- Jim Cunningham, University of North Carolina
- Ashley Curtis, Duval County Schools
- Kenneth Tam, Curriculum Associates
Supporting ELs through Personalized Learning
- Elizabeth Bassford, Curriculum Associates
Teachers Matter More than Ever in the Digital Age
- Tyrone Holmes, Curriculum Associates
The “Secret Sauce” of a Successful EdTech Company
- Charlotte Fixler, Curriculum Associates
ESSA Year 1: Early Wins for Personalized Learning
- Maria Worthen, iNACOL
- Lillian Pace, KnowledgeWorks
Pop Up Problems of Practice in Competency Ed
- Chris Sturgis, MetisNet
- Virgel Hammonds, KnowledgeWorks
- Susan Patrick, iNACOL
Not Every Career Starts after College
- Lynda Cloud, K12. Inc
A Pedagogy For Personalization
- Drew Schrader, New Tech Network
Deathmatch SXSW! – PBL vs. Personalized Learning
- Paul Curtis, New Tech Network
- Javier Guzman, Big Picture Learning
- Tim Presiado, New Tech Network
- Matt Thompson, New Tech Network
- Alix Horton, New Tech Network
Keeping it Real: Attitudes, Privilege and Project Based Learning
- Anthony Smith, Winton Woods City Schools
- Lydia Dobyns, New Tech Network
Public Schools We Can Be Proud Of
- Lydia Dobyns, New Tech Network
For more on SXSWedu and other professional development information/opportunities, check out:
- SXSWedu 2016: Inspiration and Innovation
- What High School Students Thought of SXSWedu
- 23 Can’t Miss Edu Conferences
Buck Institute of Education, Curriculum Associates, iNACOL, New Tech Network and The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation are Getting Smart Advocacy Partners.
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