Infographic | Reclaiming the Classroom Words of Wisdom

“The most important work in education occurs in schools and, more specifically, in classrooms.” In his new book Reclaiming the Classroom: How America’s Teachers Lost Control of Education and How they Can Get it Back, Trenton Goble shares words of wisdom for teachers, principals, unions, and edtech companies.
For more listen to Megan Mead’s podcast with Trenton where they share experiences from their own time in the classroom and read our review of his book.
What else did you take from the book that you’d like to share? Comment below or share on social media #ReclaimtheClassroom.

Joseph Ravick
These are all valuable "Words of Wisdom." I appreciated Teaching=Learning most, since i found that this principle and benchmark were words to live by. When asked what my role was, in class or outside the institute, i most often replied that my mission was "to facilitate learning." Thank you for sharing this infographic.