Smart List: 36 Ways to Learn Almost Anything

Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with the 3rd Annual Smart Lists. Throughout October and November you’ll see about 20 ‘Best of’ lists, not in order, not exhaustive, just people we appreciate doing innovative work.
Today we are recognizing 36 open resources for K-12, postsecondary, and anytime learning.
Free & Open Education Resources, K-12
- SAS Curriculum Pathways: Interactive, standards-based#
- CK-12: Flexbooks, FlexMath, and more
- Curriki: Big community around big library
- Gooru: Learning navigation system with lots of open content
- OpenEd: Big Core-aligned catalog with formative assessment
- Khan Academy: 6500 videos on math & more
- OER Commons: Dedicated to innovation in open education content & practices
- PowerMyLearning: Grade level collections
- NROC: High school science & math
- iCivics: Open resources for learning civics
- BigHistoryProject: Integrated history and science
- Edmodo: Free learning platform with tons of open content
- Curriculum Foundry helps organize OER
Postsecondary OER
- Lumen Learning: Quality open courseware
- Academic Earth: 750 free online courses from the world’s top universities
- iTunes U: View a course, make a course
- Saylor: 250 college courses across 13 subject areas
- Writing Commons: Freshman English from USF
- Connexions: Open library from Rice
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- Wikipedia & WikiEducator
- PhET Interactive Simulations
- Washington State’s Open Course Library Project: Resources for 42 courses
Anytime Learning
- Most trusted source for knowledge, and skilling up
- Coursera: 1500 of the world’s best courses for free *
- General Assembly: Learn from experts on business, tech & design *
- Udemy: Online courses from expert teachers *
- LearnZillion: Great instructional resources for teachers *
- edX: Non-profit created by Harvard and MIT
- Udacity: IT and coding nanodegrees
- Canvas: Open online courses #
- MentorMob: Education search engine
- Skillshare: Project-based classes, anytime, anywhere
- TED-Ed: Create customized lessons around TED videos
- Skillsoft: World’s largest corporate training providers
- DailyBitsOf: Bite sized lessons straight to your inbox
For more Smart Lists, check out:
- Smart List: 40 Innovation Investors
- Smart List: 55+ Great Blogs & Blasts
- Smart List: 50 People Shaping the Future of K-12 Education
This Smart List was published in partnership with Getting Smart Services. Getting Smart provides advocacy, advisory, consulting and public relations services to turn ideas into impact. We help for-profit and nonprofit organizations construct cohesive and forward-thinking strategies for branding, awareness, advancement and communications.
* Learn Capital Partner, # Getting Smart Partner, ** Board member or Advisor
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