Getting Smart on Personalization and Privacy

Authored by Aimee Rogstad Guidera, Paige Kowalski, Erin Lockett, Karla Phillips, Carri Schneider and Tom Vander Ark
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Getting Smart in partnership with: Digital Learning Now and Data Quality Campaign
In October 2012, Digital Learning Now & Getting Smart released “Data Backpacks: Portable Records & Learner Profiles” report and Powering Personalization infographic. The original paper and updated version released in 2015 explores two primary recommendations to power personalization and protect student privacy–The Data Backpack & The Expanded Learner Profile.
The Data Backpack is an expanded common electronic student record: an official transcript that follows students through every transition—grade to grade and school to school. The Expanded Learner Profile builds on the “official transcript” of the Data Backpack to provide additional clues to unlock learner needs, preferences, and potential. While each student’s Data Backpack would be populated by a set of common elements for all students at a new minimum level, the components of each student’s Learner Profile could be customized based on student needs, platform data requirements and family decisions.
In addition to the updated full paper, Digital Learning Now and Getting Smart partnered with the Data Quality Campaign for a blog series and culminating collection “Getting Smart on Personalization and Privacy.” This publication explores ongoing opportunities and challenges, feature insights and shares the voices of those who have been actively working to implement similar policies and initiatives.
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This publication was produced by Getting Smart (@Getting_Smart) in partnership with the Foundation for Excellence in Education’s Digital Learning Now initiative (@DigLearningNow) and the Data Quality Campaign (@EdDataCampaign).
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