SAS Curriculum Pathways Provides Online Resources at No Cost

SAS Curriculum Pathways offers a long list of features for both teachers and students: interactive online content for middle school and high school students, clearly organized by grade level, subject, activity, tool and even aligned standard, over 1300 resources included for Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Spanish. The tools include videos, audio and links to outside online resources, lesson plan ideas, professional development and an online community where teachers can share ideas. Students can log in and save, print and share finished work. Everything listed here is all free and it will always stay that way.
A digital curriculum, SAS Curriculum Pathways, was developed by Dr. Jim Goodnight, CEO of SAS Software, the world’s leading analytics software provider. “Goodnight sees education as critical to the success of people, organizations and nations. Goodnight himself holds a doctorate in statistics from North Carolina State University, where he was a faculty member from 1972 to 1976.” Goodnight launched SAS inSchool, now known as SAS Curriculum Pathways, developed to help schools meet the challenges of the new millennium. The software contains the framework for next-gen teaching meant to help extend the use of technology as a learning tool.
SAS Curriculum Pathways can be implemented at the district, school or individual classroom level. This highly interactive curriculum resource provides teachers with specific topic related lessons as well as interactive skill building tools. SAS offers a complete interactive Algebra 1 course, for free. It also provides a complete writing skills building suite, including a writing planner, a drafter and revisor- completely interactive and student driven- for free. SAS has published several iOS apps for students to use on mobile devices for mastering certain math and language arts skills. Virtual science lab simulators, a spanish writing tablet and countless project based learning plans are just a few other examples of what SAS Curriculum Pathways offers it’s users.
Right now teachers are using the SAS Curriculum Pathways in every state in the US as well as internationally and the number of users is growing fast. Just in this school year, teacher enrollment has grown from 100K to 135K teacher users.
The resources are integrated with many LMS platforms, with even more, like Edmodo, in the works. Teachers are using it in different ways- some dip in frequently to supplement their lessons in many different ways, some find specific online content they integrate into their lessons and rely on it year after year. Either way, it’s the teachers driving the decisions on how the resources are used, giving them the freedom to make choices for their own classrooms.
SAS has plans to move into the elementary space, as well. Focused on how essential it is for students to truly master reading skills in the early grades, they have started by offering a read aloud series of resources. Also, with the help of teacher feedback, they are designing a full Pre Algebra course to support the Algebra course offered now. By continuing to read usage data, SAS develops and grows in areas that spark the most interest and usage by teacher and students, ensuring that it will remain a valuable online resource for teachers and students because SAS understands the necessity of staying caught up in the every changing tech world.

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