Smart List: Homework Help & Parent Organizing

Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with a series of back to school top 10 lists. During August we will run about 40 ‘best of’ lists, not in order, not exhaustive, just people we appreciate.
Today we are recognizing 10 sources for homework help and 10 organizations informing and organizing parents.
Homework Help
Discovery Education: science and more
Virtual Nerd: secondary math
PowerMyLearning: K-12 resources
Khan Academy: math and more
Gooru: search engine for education
CK12: secondary STEM
Facebook: over 1,000 study groups
Study Island: tutoring from edmentum
Sylvan Learning: tutoring and homework help
Informing & Organizing Parents
Great Schools: the most comprehensive school information site
Parent Revolution: helping parents gain access to quality options
National Farmworker Service Center: parent education
Educators for Excellence: inserting teacher voice into decision making
BAEO: Black Alliance for Educational Options
Innovate Public Schools, parent organizing in Bay Area
Families for Excellent Schools: organizing in NYC
Parents for Choice in Education: organizing Utah parents
Common Sense Media: app reviews and sound advice
There are hundreds of great local organizations supporting, informing, and organizing parents.
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