Smart List: 30 Ways to Learn Almost Anything

Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with a series of back to school top 10 lists. During August we are running about 40 ‘best of’ lists–not in order, not exhaustive, just people we appreciate.
Today we are recognizing 30 open resources for K-12, postsecondary, and anytime learning.
Open Education Resources K-12
CK-12: flexbooks, FlexMath, and more
Curriki: big community around big library
Gooru: search engine for education
OpenEd Institute: biggest Core-aligned catalog
Khan Academy: 4000 videos on math & more
OER Commons: dedicated to innovation in open education content & practices
PowerMyLearning: grade level collections
NROC: high school science & math
California Learning Resources Network: Free Digital Textbook Initiative
iCivics: open resources for learning civics
Postsecondary OER
Academic Earth: free online courses from the world’s top universities
iTunes U: view a course, make a course
Saylor: 250 college courses across 13 subject areas
Writing Commons: Freshman English from USF
Connexions: open library from Rice
Washington State’s Open Course Library Project: resources for 42 courses
Anytime Learning
Coursera: the world’s best courses for free
General Assembly: learn from experts on business, tech & design
Udemy: online courses from expert teachers
LearnZillion: great instructional resources for teachers
edX: non-profit created by Harvard and MIT
Udacity: bringing quality courses to the world
Canvas: open online courses
MentorMob: education search engine
Skillshare: project-based classes, anytime, anywhere
TED-Ed: create customized lessons around TED videos
We appreciate the open resources leadership of the Hewlett Foundation and Creative Commons.
What did we miss? What would you add?
Coursera, General Assembly, Udemy, Learn Zillion are Learn Capital portfolio companies where Tom Vander Ark is a partner.
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