PD Anytime -10 Education Podcasts from EdReach
Podcasts are free, easy ways for teachers, and anyone interested in the education field to share ideas, learning and news. Because you don’t need anything more than a computer, a mic and internet access, more and more stakeholders in education are finding the value in not only listening, but recording great podcasts.
Still, a good podcast takes time commitment, and the amount of free time educators have to dedicate to outside projects is always in flux. That means the educational podcast library is also frequently in flux, but just all the more reason to stay connected and make sure you are subscribed to the newest and best podcast available.
EdReach Network makes it easy for educators to stay update on great podcasts, by hosting them all in on one channel, and as their motto says, they are “giving educators a voice, a big voice.”
Here are a few of Getting Smart’s favorites, but check out Edreach for the full listing:
1. PBS Newshour Education– is hosted consistently on the Edreach Network and can be subscribed to from there. Posted every other week, it is high quality education content that is truly great listening for all who want to stay informed on what is happening on the nation’s education landscape.
2. Techlandia Podcast- Fondly known as “The Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” of education podcasts, three educators, Jon Samuelson (@ipadsammy), Curt Rees (@curtrees) and Alison Anderson (@tedrosececi) share 3 apps, 3 great people to follow on Twitter, and 3 great things happening in edu… along with their own version of humor. They’ve also welcome incredible guest educators who accomplish amazing things in their schools and are so generous to share their knowledge and advice.
3. Edgamer – Gamification is truly a hot topic in the education world! Zack Gilbert and Gerry James, two dedicated teachers, sit down each week to explore the topics of gamification, what it takes to add games, digital and non-digital to the classroom and review the new and best games out there. They are already up to episode 106, so it’s pretty safe to say these guys know what they are talking about and are a must listen for any teacher wanting to use games to make student learning better.
4. Mobile Reach – 3 teachers, Jennie Magiera, Sue Gorman and David Freeburg share their tremendous amount of experience and skills having to do with everything from Apple to Google inside the classroom. These three know what works and what is worth the time and money. They also truly explore the pedagogy and philosophy behind adding different aspects of tech to the classroom or to teacher productivity. They are good friends and fun to listen to, each with their own version of a midwest accent.
5. MacReach – Meg Wilson and Kelly Dumont have been collaborating for a long time now to record and share their Mac knowledge. Definitely known in the field as two Mac experts every educator would love to know, they generously share what they know and keep their listeners up to date on everything current with Apple and the digital learning space.
6. Teacher Tech Talk – There must be something in that midwest air, because another trio of expert tech educators,Chad Kafka (@chadkafka), Judi Epcke (@jepcke), Tammy Lind (@TamL17), share out the latest news on everything from iPads to Chromebooks and every app in between. Also, they are always good for catching up on cool things happening in the space where technology meets education.
8. Google Educast– A classic and staple podcast from the Edreach network, keeps the audience up to date on everything happening in the world of Google- one of our the greatest education tools ever created. Unfortunately, it seems to be one with the most changes, too. Weekly guests and google experts team up each week in a hangout and to dive into Google and all it’s updates and then describe what they mean for teachers and students.
9. iDig Video – Apple distinguished educator, Jonathan Furst and James Crawford talk about great and innovative ways to integrate the art of video creation into any classroom. They teach great ways and explore motivations to help students create video projects. They also do a great job debunking the myths around working with Youtube and other video sharing sites that sometimes scare schools away from emphasizing the importance of video in the classroom.
10. #Eduwin Show– What is your #eduwin? James Gubbins and co-hosts share specific examples of #eduwins each week. Perfect show if you’re ever feeling discouraged or frustrated by what seems to be happening or not happening in classroom. A weekly review of everything going right in education, something we could probably always use a little more reminding of.
These are just a sampling of what EdReach has to offer. Podcast topics included Flipped Learning, School Design, Arts, Theater, Outdoor Learning and more.
Anthony St. Jean
This is an excellent list! Podcasts are a great way to stay abreast of the latest in educational technology and find new ways of using existing technologies. Thanks for posting.
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