What Does an Ideal Learning Environment Look Like?

“What Does an Ideal Learning Environment Look Like?” by Adrienne Albregts first appeared on the CompassLearning Navigator.
How would you describe the perfect learning environment? Yes, I realize the question is open-ended, and after launching Compass Learning’s Ideal Learning Environment Video Contest, it’s evident that plenty of people have very specific thoughts regarding their education. We received 100 video entries of teachers, students, and parents describing or showing us their vision of the ideal learning environment. And let me just tell you: I was shocked at the range of creative ideas submitted.
For example, two students at Brigham Young took a literal approach to their “environment” video, and showed us how they learn outdoors. Their submission described how they take their studies beyond the classroom, while giving back to the environment.
One student in Pennsylvania created a video that showcased a rather traditional classroom environment, but it was a place that stressed no bullying, while encouraging cooperation and positive collaboration. You can watch her video here.
And probably the most innovative video submission I saw was of a school that is being designed around a skate park! This Florida-based school will offer a blended learning environment that combines action sports with academics, while teaching sustainability and nutrition to students. You’ll have to see it to believe it.
We launched this national video contest to uncover out-of-the-box ideas about learning and personalized education. And let’s just say: We got what we asked for! And right now, we are in Round 2 of the voting process, so if you’d like to see the top 10 submissions and vote for your favorite video, there’s still time. After November 1st, the contest will be in the hands of our judges.
Educators: How would you improve your teaching environment to make learning a more personal experience for students? Leave your tips in the comment section.

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