Filling the College Prep Gap
Getting to college is complicated. The ‘what to do after high school’ decision is the most consequential decision of a young person’s life but it usually made with little data and inadequate preparation. Three startups are attempting to bridge the college prep gap.
Kashi Tahir from Envictus made an important outsiders assessment that we don’t teach kids how to do school. Most students these days lack the self-management skills to navigate the DIY secondary environment common in US schools. His college prep services starts there and builds career and college awareness.
Strive for College, a Palo Alto nonprofit (where I’m a director), recruits college students to help high school students make the best possible post secondary decision.
Matt Munson is a young man that has already been through two successful startups. His new company Acceptly is a facebook app for college preparation (and new Learn Capital portfolio company). It’s great to see facebook used as a bridge from home to school.
In a year or two, powerful decision support tools will help students and their families prepare for and make the best possible post secondary decision. Glad these guys are minding the gap.

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