Chiefs to Watch
CSMonitor ran a great story (spotted courtesy of ExcelinEd) about state education chiefs to watch in the new year:
Jason Glass, Iowa, who wants to “allow for greater innovation in schools…. That happens by not imposing greater central control on schools, but actually freeing up local school districts to try new things,”
Jannet Barresi, Oklanhoma, who ran a charter school and opposes more money for schools.
Chris Cerf, New Jersey, who ran Edison, spearheaded Klein’s reform efforts in NYC, and was actively involved in forming Education Equality Project.
Chiefs for Change: a coalition of 5 superstar chiefs with with a core agenda:
• Giving more school choice to parents and having funding follow the child.
• Requiring schools to measure academic growth of students annually and show continuous improvement.
• Rewarding high-performing teachers, schools, and districts.
• Removing teachers and principals who aren’t effective according to measures of students’ academic growth.
The founding members of the new reform coalition are:
1. Tony Bennett, Indiana superintendent of public instruction
2. Deborah Gist, Rhode Island commissioner of elementary and secondary education
3. Paul Pastorek, Louisiana state superintendent of education
4. Gerard Robinson, Virginia secretary of education
5. Eric Smith, Florida commissioner of education

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