Another interesting day at
Here’s a quick summary of a couple of today’s conversations:
1. Parent Revolution plans to support full implementation of Yolie’s initiative in LA and the intent to send all new schools and school in need of improvement for 5 or more years out to bid. Their work is/will be a model for organizing necessary to support effective school improvement or closure and replacement.
2. Yasmin Bhatia is taking over from Rosemary Perlmeter at Uplift, a great Dallas charter management organization featuring the International Baccalaureate program.
3. Scott Drossos is running K-12 Solutions for Pearson, a new division bringing several Person capabilities together to support school improvement at scale.
4. I talked to a donor about the challenges of the apparent accelerated attempt to reauthorize ESEA and how important it will be that the reform community speak/act with a unified voice. The work of EEP, DFER, and EdTrust will be key to improved policies in regards to human capital, accountability, and public school choice.
5. I spoke with a foundation executive about the support charters will need to replace hundreds of failing schools. We also discussed the important role that state charter associations play (or should play) right now while RttT and School Improvement plans are in development.
6. Looked at another exciting online higher ed business. Like I’ve said, I’d be very nervous if I was running a traditional college.

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