Podcast: Scott Looney on Growing the Mastery Transcript Consortium

Today the team is speaking with Scott Looney, the Head of School at Hawken as well as the founder of the Mastery Transcript Consortium (better known as MTC). MTC is consistently growing and is currently made up of 284 schools that are working together to change the high school system of assessment, crediting, and transcripting.
Recently, MTC has had the super exciting announcement that in 2020, the Mastery School of Hawken will open and be run and operated by Hawken School! The two high school campuses will be 12 miles apart and will have very different programs, but, will share some co-curricular programming. The Mastery School will be organized around three things: students solving real-world problems, mastery-and-apprentice-style instruction, and mastery crediting.
Listen in as Emily and Scott talk about building the ideal high school, exploring new grading systems, collaborative teams, and student-led projects — all which will be taking place at the Mastery School of Hawken!
Key Takeaways:
[1:21] Scott speaks about their recent exciting announcement about the Mastery School of Hawken. He touches on their plans for the school, details of the programs within the school, and the differences between it and a traditional school.
[13:25] Scott further elaborates on how the Mastery School of Hawken is being developed.
[17:17] How they’re sharing the journey of MTC and the Mastery School through ReDesigning High School.
[20:16] Scott shares some more information about the future Mastery School curriculum and why they believe it will be successful.
[21:37] The problem with modern assessment in traditional schools.
[26:26] All kids are capable and interested in learning — here’s how MTC and the Mastery School can support this immensely.
[29:19] Jessica closes out the podcast and thanks to Scott for joining!
Mentioned in This Episode:
Mastery Transcript Consortium
Hawken School
ReDesigning High School
Scott Looney
For more, see:
- What is 21st Century Learning? How Do We Get More?
- The 3 Preconditions of PBL
- Podcast: Don Condon on Eagle Rock School and PD Center
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