125+ Education Twitter Accounts to Follow

We love Twitter. Not only is this social media platform a powerful way to engage with a large audience, but it is also a great way to gain and share knowledge. You can use it grow your professional learning network, or to simply check in on the latest buzz.
Whether you are new to the Twitter-sphere or well on your way to building a following, finding a good base of education leaders, organizations, news outlets and schools to follow is key. Here are some of our team’s recommendations:
- @Franklinspecs: Jeremy Brown
- @MsAmberChandler: Amber Chandler
- @CoolCatTeacher: Vicki Davis
- @lisaguernsey: Lisa Guernsey
- @JohnHardison1: John Hardison
- @justincholbrook: Justin Holbrook
- @mcleod: Scott McLeod
- @LindseyOwn: Lindsey Own
- @Rdene915: Rachelle Dene Poth
- @EmiMRiley: Emily Riley
- @TheJLV: Jose Vilson
EdLeaders & Advocates
- @jecabrera12: Juan Cabrera, EPISD Superintendent
- @MiamiSup: Alberto Carvalho, Miami-Dade superintendent
- @SuptChang: Tommy Chang, Boston superintendent
- @S_Dallas_Dance: Dallas Dance, former Baltimore Co-superintendent
- @jondeane: Jon Deane, Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative
- @Classroom_tech: Greg Garner, Friday Institute
- @DeborahGist: Deborah Gist, Tulsa Superintendent
- @tgrierhisd: Terry Grier, former Houston superintendent
- @VirgelHammonds: Virgel Hammonds, Knowledgeworks Chief Learning Officer
- @PUSD_supt: David Haglund, Pleasanton Unified School District Superintendent
- @mjmsuper: Michael Martirano, Interim Superintendent of Howard County Public School System
- @Carlos_Moreno06: Carlos Moreno, Big Picture Learning Executive Director
- @erinmote: Erin Mote, InnovateEdu
- @thomascmurray: Tom Murray, Future Ready, Alliance for Excellent Education
- @kalebrashad: Kaleb Rashad, High Tech High Director
- @E_Sheninger: Eric Sheninger, International Center for Leadership in Education
- @bstackbu: Brian Stack, Sanborn Regional High School Principal
- @LiangVergara: Chris Liang-Vergara, LEAP Innovations
- @LouisianaSupe: John White, LA chief
- @ziegeran: Randy Ziegenfuss, Salisbury Township School District Superintendent
Edtech News & Media
- @AdvocateforEd
- @DeeperLearning
- @EdSurge
- @EducationDive
- @educationweek
- @Edudemic
- @edutopia
- @eschoolnews
- @GSVteam
- @InsideHigherEd
- @TechCrunch
- @THE_Journal
Thought Leaders
- @John_Bailey: John Bailey, Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative
- @MichaelBarber9: Sir Michael Barber, UK Office for Students
- @Scottb_edu: Scott Benson, NewSchools Venture Fund
- @cybraryman1: Jerry Blumengarten
- @mcandler: Matt Candler, 4.0 Schools
- @jcasap: Jaime Casap, Google
- @kcator: Karen Cator, Digital Promise
- @NextGenStacey: Stacey Childress, NewSchools Venture Fund
- @ryancraiguv: Ryan Craig, University Ventures
- @HFMarcChun: Marc Chun, Hewlett Foundation
- @LydiaDobyns: Lydia Dobyns, New Tech Network
- @NickDonohueNMEF: Nick Donohue, Nellie Mae Education Foundation
- @tedfujimoto: Ted Fujimoto, Landmark Consulting Group
- @briangreenberg: Brian Greenberg, Silicon Schools
- @ThinkSchools: Alex Hernandez, Charter School Growth Fund
- @rickhess99: Rick Hess, AEI
- @MichaelBHorn: Michael Horn, Entangled Solutions
- @NeeravKingsland: Neerav Kingsland, Relinquishment
- @Lynch39083: Matthew Lynch, TheEdvocate
- @susanpatrick: Susan Patrick, iNACOL
- @AnnieMurphyPaul: Annie Murphy Paul, author
- @MichaelPetrilli: Mike Petrilli, Fordham Institute, @educationgadfly
- @arotherham: Andy Rotherham, Bellwether Education Partners
Cool Schools
- @aspire: Aspire Public Schools
- @ASUPrepDigital: ASU Preparatory Digital
- @BigPicLearning: Big Picture Learning
- @BridgeIntlAcads: Kenya
- @Design39Campus: Design39, Poway Unified
- @dTechHS: Design Tech High
- @DSSTPubSchools: DSST, Denver
- @ELeducation: EL Education
- @HighTechHigh: High Tech High
- @IDEAschools: IDEA Public Schools
- @KIPP: KIPP Schools
- @MontourSD: Montour School District
- @NAFCareerAcads: National Academy Foundation
- @NewTechNetwork: New Tech Network
- @onestoneidaho: One Stone, Boise
- @powayusd: Poway Unified School District
- @PPSConnect : Lee Elementary School
- @RiglerSchoolOR: Rigler Elementary School
- @SPARKSchools: South Africa
- @SummitPS: Summit Public Schools
- @tetonscience: Teton Science Schools
Foundations & Impact Organizations
- @BroadFoundation
- @CarnegieCorp
- @ChristensenInst
- @DigitalPromise
- @DigLearningNow
- @ExcelinEd
- @GatesFoundation
- @Hewlett_Found
- @jfftweets
- @jkaf_foundation
- @KauffmanFDN
- @knowledgeworks
- @LearningAccel
- @MSDF_Foundation
- @nacol
- @NellieMaeEdFdn
- @OfficeofEdTech
- @WallaceFdn
EdTech Orgs
- @Agilix
- @AltSchool
- @Andela
- @BloomBoard
- @BrightBytes
- @ClassDojo
- @ConnectionsAcad
- @CurriculumAssoc
- @CanvasLMS from @Instructure
- @codehs
- @codeorg
- @Coursera
- @DiscoveryEd
- @DIY
- @DreamBox_Learn
- @EdElements
- @Edmodo
- @eSparkLearning
- @K12Learn
- @LearnZillion
- @MasteryConnect
- @MIND_Research
- @NoRedInk
- @OpenEd
- @participate (be sure to check out their handy Twitter chat app for educators!)
- @plearnchat
- @PresenceLearn
- @schoola
- @Udemy
Further and Higher Learning
- @ASU
- @CollforAmerica
- @GA (General Assembly)
- @GoNovoEd
- @MinervaSchools
Maker & Project-based
For more, see:
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Thom Markham
Please add to this list under Project Based. @thommarkham.
Mike Baur
@GSVMedia link broken... :-)
Catherine Wedgwood
Thanks for letting us know! Fixed. :)
Robert Pronovost
@AGENCYBYDESIGN should be added to the PBL/Maker list.
Rob Martinez
@ResiliencyGuy An educator with a passion to share and discuss the importance of #resilience development. He co-moderates #resiliencechat on Mondays at 7:00 PST
Mark Siegel
Suggest add @GrantLichtman in Thought Leaders
He is doing fantastic work helping schools change, has two books and a new one coming out.
More info at grantlichtman.com
Jesse B
This list is awesome! I keep these in mind for the future reference!
@codeorg my best learning point. they are amazing. i learned so uch from this . i made my own first website. this is my first work . http://www.mentorsacademy.org.in/ .