Smart List: 366 Global Innovators, Networks, Resources, and Champions

Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with the 3rd Annual Smart Lists. During October and November you’ll see about 20 ‘Best of’ lists, not in order, not exhaustive, just people we appreciate doing innovative work. Today we are recognizing global innovators and changemakers, organizations and networks making an impact on the field of global education. Tweet this list out at #GlobalEd, #SmartPlanet and other hashtags, tag other organizations and keep the conversation going… global!
We’ve written about how innovations in learning are spanning the globe in our Smart Planet series (#SmartPlanet), and we’ve recently listened to Tom tell stories of global innovations in learning from his recent trip to South Africa. The following list provides a starting point for educators, policymakers and parents to support global competencies for students (and themselves)!
Global Education Networks
- International Studies Schools Network
- International Baccalaureate
- Hanban (Confucius Institutes)
- Bridge International
- Mozilla Learning Hives
- Big Picture Learning
- VIF Global Schools Network
- Cisco Networking Academies
- Pencils of Promise
- Room to Read
- World Reader
- Generation Rwanda
- Study Hall Education Foundation (India)
- Global Classroom (India)
- Moroccan Education and Resource Network
- Society for International Education (Pakistan)
- Inter-American Teacher Education Network (OAS)
- Global School Partnership (British Council)
- Red Global (Uruguay)
- SchoolNet South Africa
- Fondación Evolución (Argentina)
- Bahçeşehir College (Turkey)
- ENO (Finland)
- Egyptian Association for Educational Resources
- European SchoolNet
- Al-Masdar
- Sister Cities International
- People-to-People
- Coverdell World Wise Schools
- Inquiry Partners: Global Inquiry Groups
Global Leaders in US States, Districts, and Schools
- North Carolina Global Education (first global-ready state)
- Kentucky Global Competency
- Global Wisconsin
- Georgia Global Initiatives
- California International Studies Project
- Houston Independent School District Global Education
- Edgecombe County, North Carolina
- Seattle Public Schools International Education
- DC Public Schools Global Education
- Avenues: The World School (New York)
- THINK Global School (global)
- Chief Sealth International High School (Seattle)
- Spokane International Academy
- Punahou School (Honolulu)
- International Connections Academy (virtual)
- IVECA (virtual)
- Ambassador School of Global Leadership (Los Angeles)
- GCE Lab School (Chicago)
- Sewickley Academy (Pittsburgh)
- Village Charter (Trenton)
- World Leadership School (Boulder)
- Lincolnton High School
- Gray’s Creek Elementary (Hope Mills, NC)
Global Awareness Resources
- National Geographic Education
- World’s Largest Lesson
- Primary Source
- Choices Program
- Google Cardboard Expeditions
- Facing the Future
- Kiva in the Classroom
- Global Oneness Project
- The Wonderment
- PenPal Schools
- Out of Eden
- Dear World: Syria
- Focal Point Global
- Global STEM Education Center
- Concern Worldwide
- Education Beyond Borders
- LitWorld
- Project Explorer
- Learn Around the World
- Reach the World
- Earth institute
- Planet Labs
- Meedan
- Plan International
- Khan Academy
- Global Kids
- Cultural Jambalaya
- Think Global
- U.S. Diplomacy Center
- Flat Stanley
- FoodForce
- Half the Sky Movement: The Game
- Get Water!
- GeoGuessr
- Heifer International Read to Feed
- Journeys in Film
Global Collaboration and Citizenship
- Global Nomads Group
- World Savvy
- TakingITGlobal
- New Global Citizens
- Flat Connections
- Faith to Faith
- Global Visionaries
- Global Citizen Year
- Global Glimpse
- Global Teenager Project
- Global Classroom Project
- Soliya
- Skype in the Classroom
- Kahoot!
- OpenIDEO
- ePals
- Teachers without Borders
- LumenED
- Level-Up Village
- Global Scholars
- LINEGlobal
- World View
- Kids Can Make a Difference
- Teacher2Teacher
- Kids Go Global
- Global Youth Debates
- Model UN
- Online Model UN
- KidLink
- Creative Connections
- WorldVuze
- DC Center for Global Education and Leadership
- Global WA
- The Global Citizens’ Initiative
- Global Citizen
- Save the Children Action Network
Global Education Champions
- The Malala Fund
- Skoll Foundation
- Bezos Family Foundation
- Longview Foundation
- Ashoka Foundation Empathy
- Intel Education Visionaries
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: A Call for Global Citizens
- Paul Allen Philanthropy Vulcan Productions Girls Rising
- Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
- Nicholas Sparks Foundation
- Cisco Foundation
- Qatar Foundation International
- Mozilla Foundation
- Wikipedia Foundation
- Asia Society
- TES Global
- VIF International Education
- Buck Institute for Learning
- Collective Shift’s LRNG
- Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative
- US State Department’s Collaboratory
- USAID’s Global Development Lab
- Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Penn Graduate School of Education
- Teachers College, Columbia University
- University of North Carolina
- Digital Promise Global
- Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange
- Meridian International Center
- US Global Leadership Coalition
- Global Campaign for Education
- Global Partnership for Education
- Global Business Coalition for Education
- A World At School
- United Nations Association
- USAWorld Affairs Councils
- Oxfam International
- Digital Divide Data
- Samasource
- Spire
- Benetech Global Literacy
- US Institute for Peace PeaceTech Lab
- Inveneo
- Adobe Foundation Adobe Youth Voices
Educator Exchanges
- IREX Teachers for Global Classrooms
- AFS-USA Educators
- Education First
- World Learning
- Institute for International Education
- Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program
- Global Competence Certificate
- NEA Foundation
- Global Educator Exchange
- Peace Corps Response
- NOAA Teacher at Sea
- EF Teachers
Resources, Meetings and Activities
- UNESCO Global Citizenship Education
- US Department of Education’s International Strategy
- P21 Learning Framework for State Action on Global Education
- EdSteps Global Competencies Matrices
- CCSSO Global Education Policy Statement
- NEA Policy Brief: Global Competence Is a 21st Century Imperative
- US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Lucy Gray’s Global Resources
- Larry Ferlazzo’s The Best Sites For Learning About The World’s Different Cultures
- PBS Learning Media Global Learning and Diplomacy Collection
- New York Times Learning Network Current Events
- Common Sense Graphite Global Resource Reviews
- [Blog] EdWeek Global Learning
- [Blog] Edutopia Global Education
- [Blog] Edmodo Global Search for Education
- [Blog] World Bank EduTech
- [Video] Teaching Channel Deeper Learning Through a Global Lens
- [Video] Transforming a District Through Global Education
- [Video] Brainwaves Global Education Series
- [Video] Global Oneness Project
- [Video] Project Explorer
- [Video] Where the Hell is Matt 2012 (first one: 2008)
- [Video] Generation Study Abroad – Alejandro Alba
- [Book] Mastering Global Literacy
- [Book] Global Education Toolkit for Elementary Learners
- [Book] Global Education: Using Technology to Bring the World to Your Students
- [Book] Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at a Time
- [Book] The Global School: Connecting Classrooms and Students Around the World
- [Book] Educating for Global Citizenship
- [Book] Growing Up Global
- [Book] Raising Global Children
- [Book] Connecting Your Students with the World
- [Book] The Global Educator
- [newsletter] 3 Things for Global Learners
- [Map] Global Story Map
- [Recipes} Global Table Adventure
- [Infographics] Mapping the Nation
- Jerry Blumengarten’s Twitter Hashtags for Education
- #GloblalEdChat
- #globaled
- #globalclassroom
- #globallearning
- #flatconnections
- #deeperlearning
- Global Education Conference
- International Education Week
- Connected Educators Month Global Theme
- Global Education Day at ISTE
- Global Education Forum
- International Dot Day
- Global Youth Service Day
- World Water Day
- Global Read Aloud
- World Read Aloud Day
- Global Collaboration Day
- International Talk Like a Pirate Day
- EdCamp Global
- Global Day of Coderetreat
- Hour of Code
Global Voices
- @TJaxSays
- @VBoixMansilla
- @pasi_sahlberg
- @YongZhaoEd
- @FernandoReimers
- @Trucano
- @egragert
- @jcasap
- @growingupglobal
- @dyvif
- @elemenous
- @kidworldcitizen
- @julielindsay
- @Cybrayman1
- @SuzieBoss
- @langwitches
- @CMRubinWorld
- @tonya_muro
- @Joe_Mazza
- @bwileyone
- @MarkJOtter
- @mfurdyk
- @AdamBraun
- @tchlrnchnge
- @WorldLillie
- @ChrisPlutte
- @LongviewGlobal
- @williamkist
- @stevehargadon
- @toniobarton
- @Q_i_a_n_a
- @FSKamal
- @DLCMSavvy
- @StacieBerdan
- @magsmitchell
- @hsingmaster
- @BobHofman
- @jenrose_russell
- @lisarjobson
- @prairie_rose
- @intl_tina
- @Khitamah
- @emetni
- @louisevanrhyn
- @Mityasav
- @EmilyLiebtag
- @MicheleMacumber
- @staceybgreer
- @Fascianoglobal
- @MattHarrisEdD
- @chelseawaite
- @Hassanatu
- @hussablake
- @rensink_connie
- @wkrakower
- @MatthewinMotion
- @educatorlisa
- @Larisa_Schelkin
- @caitlinhaugen
- @suludavis
- @BetsyTeutsch
- @abbyfalik
- @DavidPBLRoss
- @MMcLaughlinEDU
- @jdeborahklein
- @JaniceWard09
- @JenWilliamsEdu
- @hsaeed92
- @IntelK12Edu
- @RekhaPuriNYC
- @WarwickLanguage
- @PanaAsavavatana
- @andycinek
- @DianaGross
- @DanielleSleeper
- @AnishaLeads
- @dan_sadowsky
- @blarocca
- @PrimarySource
- @cmoore_browning
- @outofedenLearn
- @hechternacht
- @mscofino
- @mgraffin
- @annmic
- @bearprincipal
- @murcha
- @coolcatteacher
- @kidworldcitizen
- @atkelso
- @DrEducationBlog
- @MusammatB
- @pdxnicolle
- @nzeichner
- @la_Profe_S
- @pernilleripp
- @mpowers3
- @Aparicio_Pedro
- @emilymccarren
- @SethBrady9
- @TaraNuth
- @sweetpcrabtree
- @msoskil
- @nicholajturner
- @MrsSchmidtB4
- @mrlazarski
- @LisaParisi
- @mrfranklin17
- @soxfan234
- @JoyceBronwyn
- @BevLadd
- @RentonL
- @jenngeist
- @FEEInt
- @dcimmersion
- @GoGCI
What else would you add to this list? Email [email protected] with the subject line: Global Ed or comment below. Tweet out at #GlobalEd365 and share with us on @Getting_Smart.
Special thanks to guest author Dave Potter (@GlobalReady) at VIF International Education for his contributions to this list. If you don’t already, follow Dave on Twitter for all things #GlobalEd.
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Khitam Al-Utaibi
Thank you for this valuable informative list , as well as thanking you for including me @Khitamah!
Terry Grier
Did I miss seeing Houston ISD on this list? We have 53 dual language elementary schools--including Texas' first Mandarin and the country's first Arabic Immersion school. Lamar High Schools traditionally leads the nation in the number of IB diplomas awarded. Our global graduate initiative is fantastic!
Tom Vander Ark
Thanks Terry. Houston ISD is on our list of School Districts Worth Visiting for these and other reasons
We're writing a paper on ELL & dual language and will certainly highlight Houston's leadership
Patrick Walsh
This is an amazing list! Could I ask that you add a site? It is the product of my Fulbright grant in Finland. is a teacher-made, teacher-run website dedicated to making it easier for educators anywhere to collaborate on global issues through its online bulletin board and teaching resources. It encourages teacher-to-teacher and student-to-student dialogue across borders, thus fostering global understanding. It is not a company but a place online for teachers, where they can share assignments, links, and ideas for classroom activities. They can also work together to plan joint lessons on issues such as climate change and the migration crisis—and enable their students to communicate directly about these vital topics. When we help our students talk to and learn from other students in other parts of the world, we help them to promote global peace and understanding, an experience that should not be reserved for those who can afford to study abroad. is a new tool to aid such intercultural dialogue.