New Site Helps Teachers Find the Best Online Resources

Thanks to the search power of the internet, teachers today have a wealth of content available to them. Looking for “second grade math lesson plans,” for example, brings up over 1.5 million results. Additional resources are available on Twitter, Pinterest and more. And this is where the vast reach and depth of the internet can be a drawback. How does a teacher deal with this information overload? How does a teacher weed out the outmoded, unimaginative resources from the innovative, high-quality resources?
In the pre-internet days, teachers relied on their network–usually fellow teachers in their schools and communities–to share ideas and tools. Knowing the experience level and expertise of their colleagues, teachers could easily evaluate which materials were worth seeking out. TeachPitch is a new website that aims to replicate that offline experience in the digital age. Much like LinkedIn, teachers can follow trusted colleagues and identify new experts via the site, developing a network whose content suggestions and links they can trust.
TeachPitch has a worldwide presence: Over 1,000 teachers across 19 countries have already signed up on the site (and this has been completely organic). The fact that the site is a truly international community is a draw in and of itself. As teachers link with each other across the globe, they will also link their students and communities.
TeachPitch promises to be a site that can connect motivated teachers across the world to powerful, high-quality online resources (such as those from Khan Academy and School in the Cloud) and to one another.
For more on online resources, see:

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