Student Resource: Earning College Credit in High School
“The high cost of college tuition and housing can be prohibitive for many families, but savvy teenagers can take advantage of several programs to earn college credits while still in high school. Ultimately, such a strategy would allow these students to finish college in fewer than 4 years, double major or even study abroad, giving them a huge leg up in the job market, not to mention cutting down on their debt. Typical out-of-state tuition at a state school averages out to be $30,000 per year, so finishing just one semester early could mean around $15,000 in savings. In any case, motivated high schoolers would do well to look at their options for college credit now.” shares 7 ways to earn college credit while still attending high school. Often times, parents and students don’t hear about all the options or find out about them too late in the game. This resource defines the different ways to start college ahead of the game, including: Advanced Placement Testing, College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), Excelsior College Exams, International Baccalaureate Programs, Dual Enrollments, Online College Courses and Summer College Programs.
In a time where a four year degree is one of the most expensive investments you’ll make in your life, it’s beyond beneficial to plan thoroughly in order to get the most possible out of those four years. Onlinedegrees’s Guide to Earning College Credit in High School can help make sure you are not leaving any stone unturned.
School leaders should also check out from the experts at Jobs for the Future.
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