Staff Picks: Silicon Valley, VSS
Tom Picks “Creative Cluster: Silicon Valley”
Tom says, “It’s remarkable how many tech–and now learning–innovators are located in the 20 miles from Stanford to San Jose; it’s a love case study on the conditions producing the new economy as well as new tools and schools.”
Karen Picks “Houston, we have a problem.”
Karen says, “Best line from this article is: ‘These districts didn’t wait for Washington Supreme Court decision or a check from a wealthy benefactor. They just got busy working the problem.’ This is so true, we have to quit talking about talking and just do it! Make education work for every child, charters – yes!, Levies – yes!”
Caroline Picks “Students Tell All: Blended Learning Prepares Students for Futures“
Caroline says, “As always it was great to hear from students about their learning experience. Leaders and policy makers need to hear from students about why blended and online learning really works. Conferences like VSS leave me inspired by the innovative students and teachers changing education.”
Carri Picks “6 Trends at Virtual School Symposium 2012“
Carri says, “VSS was my first national conference after joining the Getting Smart team this summer. Those three days were invigorating, thought-provoking and affirming. This summary of the iNACOL’s conference trends sums up the highlights perfectly.”
Sarah Picks “The Shift Is On: iNACOL Conference Attendees Inventing the Future of Learning“
Sarah says, “iNACOL’s VSS is always a great conference to attend. It’s a place where you don’t have to convince those around you that technology coupled with blended learning is valuable to students’ learning and futures. Everyone is already convinced. So, the discussion becomes one of leadership and innovation.”
Allison Picks Flipped Classroom: Redesign Yields Positive Results
Allison says, “Great description of a flipped classroom model that worked for the school. I’ve heard from some teachers that it’s a great idea but they want to hear/see a model that actually worked because imagine it.”
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