Staff Picks: Creative Cities, Edtech, Proficiency-Based Learning & Tribal Blends

Tom Picks “Creative Cities: Oakland”
Tom says, “Why do innovations in learning cluster in some cities? Do learning innovations move between K-12, university, corporate, and consumer sectors? This week we kicked off a blog series investigating these questions. We started with Oakland because prominent advocates, school developers, and investors have moved to Oakland making it a hub of innovations.”
Karen Picks “New Tools Seek to Evaluate Ed-Tech Products”
Karen says, “I’m still shocked that K-12 education only accounts for 0.2 percent in research and development expenditures in the United States. I think this might suggest that there will still be many more variables before this type of evaluation system will be a ‘go to’ source, but still an interesting idea for a measurement tool.”
Carri Picks “Q&A: It’s About Time for Proficiency Based Learning“
Carri says, “This great Q&A shows how the pieces are starting to come together to create this unique moment in time where we can really tackle some of the deep traditions in education that no longer serve the needs of today’s students. As Sarah’s piece reveals, one of these big shifts is the move to proficiency-based or competency-based learning.”
Sarah Picks “3 Way to Maximize Instructional Time With Screencasts”
Sarah says, “This is a great example how technology can increase 1:1 time for students and teachers. Technology can increase face time in many cases, rather than detract from it.”
Caroline Picks “Better Learning Opportunities for Native Kids“
Caroline says, “I’m so glad that Tom had the chance to join NIEA this week in Oklahoma City. It is great to hear how blended and online learning could really benefit these communities. The idea of family co-ops and tribal blends is innovative and will allow for more culturally based education.”
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