P2PU School of Ed Launches More Courses and Groups

“P2PU School of Ed Launches More Courses and Groups” was first seen on the K12 Open Ed blog. Here’s an update from our friend Karen Fasimpaur on P2PU School of Ed a free, open, peer-centered professional development for K-12 teachers. They are launching their third round of courses and groups.  Visit with Karen at ISTE in June. SoE Crest2   PhET Simulations for Science and Math Description: PhET simulations are designed to provide an open exploratory environment that can be used in many different educational settings. In this three week course, you will learn about how the sims are designed, will examine some best practices for use, and will explore/create lessons you can use with your students. Dates: July 9-29, 2012 global-logo Global Dialog: International and Comparative Perspectives on Education Description: This 1-month seminar is for educators, learners and parents who are keen to discuss and compare education systems from around the world. The course is divided into 4 modules each containing 1 or 2 short online videos, an optional reading, online asynchronous discussions and an optional synchronous discussion (via Skype) around the following topics: global definitions of learning and education, cross-country education borrowing and lending, educating the whole person, and creating sustainable education systems. Dates: June 4 – July 1, 2012 logo ePortfolios for Teachers Description: A group to explore the use and development of online portfolios as a personal learning tool for teachers. We’ll look at what purpose portfolios can serve, different tools for assembling an online portfolio, what kinds of artifacts can be collected, and how more formal credit might be tied to portfolios. Participants will have an opportunity to begin building an eportfolio if they choose. Dates: July 9-29, 2012 writing-logo Making Writing and Literacy Learning Connections Description: If “digital” is how we write, share, and participate today and into the future, what does that mean for the teaching of writing and for learning? Join a National Writing Project study group as we explore these questions together through our own experiences and those of the NWP Digital Is community. Each week we’ll focus on a different aspect of inquiry and practice related to writing, teaching and connected learning. Dates: July 9-29, 2012 syndic-logo Syndicated Education in Distributed Learning Environments Description: In education, schools create coherence based on ‘Conceptual Orientation’ (i.e. sense making), illustrating how theories and knowledge are related.  Following the emerging trend of Distributed Learning Environments used in Networked Learning, teachers also need to include ‘Spatial Orientation’ (i.e. way finding) to answer questions like: Where do I find useful Learning Resources (i.e. salience)?  How are these resources interconnected (i.e. pattern recognition)?  What is the underlying message (i.e. trajectory)?  During this course, you will create, deliver and manage an educational event that aggregates the latest work from participants within the cohort into one location.  This allows Peer-to-Peer (P2P) learning and keep the work they do in their own Personal Learning Environment (PLE). Dates: June 25-July 14, 2012 Reimagining Developmental/Basic English Curriculum Description: A design charrette for teachers, developers, content experts, and interested others to share, explore and create transformative practices, essential content and skills necessary for student success in college. This course, produced in collaboration with the National Repository of Online Courses (NROC), will take a systems approach to examining current content, standards and assessments, invite thought leaders/practitioners to discuss emergent trends in curriculum redesign, collaboratively explore transformative approaches and the role of digital and social media, and technology, to improve access and success for any student needing remediation. Dates: TBD – summer, 2012 ** UPDATE ** This course has been added. Curating Our Digital Lives [link to come] We curate our digital lives each and every day. How can we use curation tools, techniques and practices to support ourselves in our own learning and support youth as they engage in academic learning and production? Join this three-week-long discussion, facilitated in collaboration with the National Writing Project, to share your thoughts and to hear from others. Dates: July 9-29, 2012

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