4.0 Schools Sweeps Startup Weekend NYC EDU Awards
4.0 Schools, which provides resources and training to launch schools and education businesses in the Southeastern US, members made a clean sweep at the Startup Weekend New York City EDU awards, winning all three placements among more than 50 potential business concepts.
“For a young organization carving a new path, having such a strong showing at an event as well-regarded (and stressful) as Startup Weekend EDU encourages us to press forward making more leaders into great problem-solvers. I think we are on to something very necessary and very special here,” said Matt Candler, Founder and CEO of 4.0 Schools.
Classroom Blueprint, a comprehensive application where Pinterest meets Amazon.com to help teacher design better classrooms, took first place. Dash, which provides parent relationship management software for teachers, won second place. Third place winner, Kinobi, uses Microsoft Kinect and web-based solutions to allow teachers to refine classroom techniques in real time.
School 4.0 impressed attendees and judges with its training. The KIPP New Orleans Chief of Staff said, “I walked away with both practical, implementable skills to incorporate into my practice as well as a mindset and emotional lift that I know will help me integrate these skills and approach my work and life with a fresh set of eyes.”
The Chief Academic Officer at the Citizens of the World Charter Schools said, “From the moment that I began the assigned reading, I could see that it was going to open my mind and introduce me to concepts and techniques that were not in my repertoire.”
Classroom Blueprint founder Jess Bialecki and Dash founder Aliya Bhatia are members of the 2012 Education Entrepreneur Challenge, a collaborative program between The Idea Village, Teach for America, 4.0 Schools and The Coleman Foundation. Kinobi founder Chapman Snowden is a member of 4.0 Launch School and a full-time program for entrepreneurs launching new schools and education businesses. He’s also a member of the newest cohort at Launchpad Ignition – a member of the TechStars Network.
Betty Clemens
This is impressive to an 85 year old who tried to iMplement the same back in the New Orleans area in the seventies and eighties...as a reading specialist, I succeeded. As an ardent believer in public education, I failed. Kudos to the new entrepreneurial effort. Wishing you much success across the country. it is much needed!