TASC Reports After-School Programs Equalize Tech Access For Students
Many students today are hands on with various technologies and the Web every day in school and at home. Yet, some students from low-income families do not have the same access. The After-School Corporation (TASC) seeks to close this gap.
TASC is looking at ways technology innovators, policymakers, teachers, community organizations, and philanthropists can partner to leverage technology in after-school programs or Out-of-School Time (OST).
Recently, TASC released “Where the Kids Are: Digital Learning In Class and Beyond,” a white paper that looks at the benefits of expanding technology-enabled learning time in after-school programs, and a video that reinforces the ways that students can gain access to learning opportunities at school and in community organizations.
“Where the Kids Are” looks at the evidence found in recent after-school networks in more than 40 statewide programs. Expanding learning time has shown to equalize and advance technology-enabled learning in communities with great academic and economic needs.
For more, visit http://www.tascorp.org/section/resources/digital_learning.
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