All4Ed Advances Digital Learning With New Center
The Alliance for Excellent Education has announced the launch of the Center for Secondary School Digital Learning & Policy. The center will expand the Alliance’s focus on digital learning and focus on improving outcomes for low-income students and low-performing schools. Both the Alliance and Gov. Wise have played an active role in the Digital Learning Now! campaign over the past year by helping to form the Digital Learning Council, acting as Co-Chair and actively working with states to shape and change policies in order to implement the 10 Elements of Digital Learning.
“The Alliance has been the leading high school focused gap-attacking advocacy group for the last five years. Coupled with Gov. Wise’s leadership on Digital Learning Now, the new Center positions the Alliance to assist American secondary schools in the shift to personal digital learning,” says Tom Vander Ark, Digital Luminary for DLN and Getting Smart Founder.
The Center will be ran by Sara Hall, former State Educational Technology Director Association (SETDA) deputy director. The Alliance will integrate this Center with their already successful programs focusing on school transformation, college and career ready standards, adolescent literacy, international comparisons, and various federal and national policies-in an effort to improve student learning.
Hear more about what Gov. Wise has to say about the launch of the center below:

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