Trenton Looks to Go Bold
The committee room in the State Annex in Trenton was full already when the Joint Committee on Public Schools convened on Tuesday to consider the opportunities that digital learning held for New Jersey public schools. Five minutes after the hearing started, people continued streaming in. Ten minutes later, people lined the walls and choked the doorway. Finally it became too much when a nun couldn’t even find a seat, so several dozen chairs were quickly distributed from other rooms.
It was worth cramming into the room to hear the legislators and panelists confront with little rhetoric what every state in the nation is facing: declining revenues and underperforming schools are enabling policymakers to reach across partisan and ideological lines and discuss innovative solutions and how to immediately put them in place. In New Jersey, there was nothing forced about the discussion. Legislators were candid about their lack of understanding of digital and online learning, and they were seeking advice on how to best put digital innovations to work for New Jersey.
Below are some highlights from students, teachers, legislators and panelists including Gov Bob Wise of the Alliance for Excellent Education, Susan Patrick of iNACOL, Michael Horn of the Innosight Institute, and Jeanne Allen of the Center for Education Reform.
Gov Wise’s presentation was chilling and framed the issue: states face an escalating revenue gap, a growing teacher shortage, and an outcomes gap that is widening. Some of his observations:
– “Demand for quality student outcome is greater and the revenue to get there is less.”
– “There are 440 high school in Georgia and only 88 physics teachers – many who are eligible to retire.”
– “The choice for policymaking: hunker down OR be boldly innovative delivering education.”
In addition to her presentation reviewing the state of online learning, Susan Patrick moderated a panel of with five online students from 6th grade to a recent high school graduate. Having never met before today, and without coaching, the students helped the legislators and the audience see what digital learning was all about. The students’ testimony made their schools REAL for everyone. Some of the details the kids helped to explain:
– “Schools in my area didn’t prepare students for college, so I enrolled online to get college ready”
– “As an online student, I have takes courses in Geometry, Latin, Algebra I and II, Literature, Government, History, Trigonometry, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Spanish.”
Susan Patrick also noted:
– “Growth in online education comes from meeting diverse student needs for college readiness, AP courses, IB diploma, at-risk summer school, student with illnesses and more.”
Michael Horn was so persuasive in his discussion of the opportunity that disruptive innovations such as digital learning present that one legislator, Senator Ronald Rice endorsing “Disrupting Class” numerous times throughout the hearing as the key for union supporters, parents and reformers to embrace. Michael made several powerful points:
– “Online learning is gaining adoption. By 2019 50% of all high school courses will be delivered online.”
– “Online learning meets dropouts around their lives and work schedules and is an affordable benefit to them.”
And he challenged the legislators to act:
– “Make learning student-centric and about the outcomes.”
The panelists also provided a specific roadmap for policy discussions to begin, and the action they offered centered on blended learning solutions which combines the best of online and onsite learning.
– Gov Wise, “75% of digital learning is going to be in a blended environment and not replace the teacher.”
– Michael Horn, “We are seeing 6 distinct types of blended or hybrid models including some with very creative team teaching and other new forms not previously considered.”
– Susan Patrick, “Blended learning takes the best of online and onsite”
– Jeanne Allen, “State actions spur districts to jump in and innovate as well.”
Reactions from legislators to what they heard and learned was extremely positive.
– Senator Ronald L. Rice, “I’m impressed. This conversation has proven that this should be in traditional schools regardless.”
– Assemblywoman Mila M. Jasey, “We need to be boldly innovative and customize learning for children”
– Assemblywoman Joan M. Voss, “Teacher relationships are valuable and you teachers have allayed my fears about online education”
– Assemblyman David W. Wolfe “We’re here learn what can be done in New Jersey.”
Finally, Gov. Wise noted that specific policy principles would be announced next week when the work of the Digital Learning Council was rolled out. He noted that over 100 policy makers, educators, technologists, philanthropists, entrepreneurs community leaders, and education advocates had worked virtually for 3 months to design the state-focused recommendations. Wise and former Gov Jeb Bush were leading the effort, and the two former Governors would announce the 10 Elements of High Quality Digital Learning on December 1st in Washington, DC.
Steve McCrea
I work at a school that has all of its curriculum online. I look forward to the "10 elements" report. Thank you,, for keeping us up to date.
If anyone wants to visit my classroom (virtually), I will have some of my pieces at and at
ALSO see
Steve McCrea
I teach at an online school (we have a physical building, but textbooks and tests are all online) in Fort Lauderdale. If you are not familiar with the type of learning, visit us: +1 954 646 8246 and arrange for a visit.
I plan to post a video on my youtube channel that discusses the benefits of the online curriculum we use APEX. The setup allows serial one-on-one sessions with students. As a teacher, i've never been happier. Digital learning rocks.
my channel:
The challenge comes in integrating project-based work with the online individual work. Dr. Abraham Fischler describes this process in his first post (July 2006) on ... I look forward to discussing these topics with anyone. [email protected]