Day in the life of online learner; limited social networks
1. Read Learning Without Limits for a good description of a 5th graders day in Florida Virtual School.
2. Despite all the teacher social network startups, the “National Online Survey of District Technology Directors Exploring District Use of Web 2.0 Technologies”
reveals there is still resistance to using online social networking for instructional purposes. In 83 percent of districts, very few or no teachers use online social networking for instruction, and 40 percent of districts currently have policies that don’t allow use of this technology. However, some trailblazing districts have plans for adopting or promoting use of this technology.
Less suprising findings included that:
The three most frequently cited reasons for adopting Web 2.0 technologies are: addressing students’ individual learning needs, engaging student interest, and increasing students’ options for access to teaching and learning.
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