Science Fairs as Pathways To Passion, Problem-Solving and Careers
Key Points
Science Fairs inspire the problem-solvers that touch the future.
Science fairs provide a great opportunity to form a community and present your ideas.

This episode of the Getting Smart Podcast is a part of our New Pathways campaign. In partnership with American Student Assistance® (ASA), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Stand Together and the Walton Foundation, the New Pathways campaign will question education’s status quo and propose new methods of giving students a chance to experience success in what’s next.
On this episode of the Getting Smart Podcast, Tom Vander Ark is joined by a group of guests to discuss the promise of science fairs and why science deep dives should be part of every learner’s experience. In 2020 we spoke with Maya Ajmera, CEO of the Society for Science and host of the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) and Regeneron Science Talent Search.
Our three guests for this podcast are affiliated with this talent search:
Priscilla Lumbreras, a science teacher in Granbury ISD and alumni of the Society’s Advocate Program as well as a STEM Research Grantee.
Anika Puri, a grad of Horace Greeley High School in Chappaqua, New York and a freshman at MIT. She is also the recent winner of the Peggy Scripps Award for Science Communication at Regeneron ISEF.
Laalitya Acharya, a Regeneron Science Talent Search and ISEF alum, a student at Columbia and an intern at Regeneron.
You definitely get a lot of self-confidence out of it and you also learn how you present to someone, how you explain your idea to someone, how you talk to scientists and experts in the field.
Anika Puri
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