Friday Institute Project Designs MOOCs for Educators

Educators deserve the same blended and personalized learning experiences that we advocate for students. Leading in this effort is the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University’s College of Education who have produced a series of MOOC-Eds.
What are MOOC-Eds? Massive, open, online courses… for educators.
Rather than tests and grades common to many online learning courses, MOOC-Eds feature authentic, project-based, collaboration, and peer-supported learning. Courses are free and designed with educators in mind. Participants navigate their own paths, and align their own goals and needs of their school. With thousands of educators engaging on such a massive scale, participants in similar roles and schools can “crowdsource” ideas for more well-thought and constructive engagement.
Small in comparison to Coursera, the clear leader in MOOCs with over 9 million learners, MOOC-Ed courses are unique in that the learning experience is personalized, flexible, and collaborative. Registration is now open for three free MOOC-Ed Courses:
Coaching Digital Learning
February 15, 2016 – March 27, 2016
Enhance digital learning content knowledge and further develop coaching strategies to cultivate a digital learning culture.
Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning
February 1, 2016 – March 13, 2016
Learn how to develop literacy across discipline areas, including science, social studies, English/language arts, and mathematics using the Model for Inquiry-Based Disciplinary Literacy.
Fraction Foundations
February 1, 2016 – March 27, 2016
Teach fractions concepts and skills more effectively through understanding student thinking and using research-based approaches in your classroom.
Teaching Statistics Through Data Investigations
February 1, 2016 – March 27, 2016
Use an investigation cycle to teach statistics and help students explore data to make evidence-based claims.
These MOOC-Ed courses align with recent developments in online learning for educators. has launched mini-MOOCs for teachers, parents and young people that are free and taught by professors from universities from across the county. Michael Horn has led blended learning MOOCs on alongside the Silicon Schools Fund. EdX has also entered the K-12 space with high school level MOOCs. Micro-credentialing has also opened new opportunities for educator PD. Listen to the podcast:
For more see blogs on MOOCs and educator focused online learning:
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