Smart List: 26 Teacher & Leader Developers, 10 School Improvement Capacities

Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with the second annual Smart Lists. During October and November you’ll see about 20 ‘Best of’ lists, not in order, not exhaustive, just people we appreciate doing innovative work.
Today we are recognizing 11 human capital builders, 15 leadership developers and 10 school improvement providers.
Human Capital Resources
- Bloomboard: online teacher development system **
- Teachscape: maximizing teacher effectiveness
- Opportunity Culture: models for leveraging great teaching with technology
- Teach For America: placing talented teachers in America’s neediest schools
- National Council on Teacher Quality: reform advocates
- TNTP: provide excellent teachers to the students who need them most
- Center for Urban Teaching: prepare and support high performing urban teachers
- Charter Board Partners: recruiting and training charter board members **
- Education Pioneers: placing professional school students in districts
- Leading Educators: leadership development for highly effective teachers
- True North Logic: supporting educators growth cycle
Leadership Development
- Broad Academy: superintendent & cabinet training for nontraditional candidates
- New Leaders: develops transformational school leaders/teams in partner cities
- Building Excellent Schools: trains entrepreneurs to start charter schools
- Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation: closing gaps by training leaders
- Relay GSE: innovative independent NYC grad school training teachers
- KIPP School Leadership Program: developing KIPP leaders
- Harvard GSE: innovative leadership development program
- Columbia Summer Principals Academy
- School Leadership Network: transforming school leadership
- Teach For America: also a leader in leadership development
- Relay GSE: competency-based preparation, NYC, Newark, Chicago, Denver, NOLA
- Rice Education Entrepreneurship Program: leadership development from the B school (see feature)
- Public Allies: strengthens communities, nonprofits with new leadership programs
- Yet Analytics: training and professional development data
- watch, share and learn
School Improvement
- Pearson School Improvement Services: formerly America’s Choice #
- Re-Inventing Schools Coalition: leaders in competency based learning
- Turnaround for Children: counteracting the effects of poverty (see feature)
- School Improvement Network: online PD and more
- edWorks: subsidiary of KnowledgeWorks Foundation
- Matchbook Learning: blended turnaround
- Mass Insight: what works in turnaround
- Michigan Education Achievement Authority: Innovative blend (see feature and update)
- Tennessee Achievement School District: recruiting the best
- Louisiana Recovery School District: turned around NOLA
This Smart List was published in partnership with Getting Smart Services. Getting Smart provides advocacy, advisory, consulting and public relations services to turn ideas into impact. We help for-profit and non-profit organizations construct cohesive and forward-thinking strategies for branding, awareness, advancement and communications.
* Learn Capital Partner, # Getting Smart Partner, ** Board member or Advisor
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