EdTech 10: Winding Down

We can feel it coming… graduations starting, lots of fun end of the year projects, announcements for summer conferences and other professional development events. The end of the school year is almost here- but the #EdTech news keeps on coming. Here are the week’s top 10 stories…
Blended Schools & Tools
1. The Numbers are In. New Tech Network (@NewTechNetwork) released their 2014 Data Report and interactive infographic this week showing that the education NTN schools provide, centered around project-based and deeper learning, is helping more students graduate college and career ready. The annual report “demonstrates that schools can enable all students to achieve college and career readiness regardless of socioeconomic status, geographic location or ethnic background,” said Tim Presiado (@tpresiado), Interim President of New Tech Network.
Digital Developments
2. And the Winners Are. IMS Global announced the eight winners, including Florida Virtual School (@FLVS) of their Learning Impact Awards Program. FLVS won the award for innovative implementation of their Content Automation Tool that effectively removes the administrative burdens of maintaining multiple LMS’, improves efficiency of internal processes and introduces a new recurring revenue model.
3. Lets Get Printing. In two weeks, NewMatter is launching a 3D printer that will be available for under $299. Most printers available to the consumer market over well over $1,000 which certainly makes MOD-t one of the first of its kind. We are excited about the potential this price point could have on the ability of schools to offer 3D printing for courses.
4. Know Any Innovators? Silicon Valley Education Foundation (@svefoundation) is asking their community to nominate the people, organizations and programs that inspire teachers and students in STEM for the 4th annual STEM Innovation Awards. Submissions are due Friday, May 30, 2014 by 5 p.m (PST) and the winners are eligible to win $5,000 to reinvest in their program.
Higher, Deeper, Further, Faster Learning
5. First in the World. The DOE (@usedgov) announced this week a federal fund for innovation called the First in the World program. The $75 million competition’s desired outcomes are to spur innovation, improve college access and completion, and cut student costs.
College & Career Ready
6. What Makes A Student College and Career Ready? In preparation for our next paper in the DLN Smart Series, (@DigLearningNow) Guiding and Personalizing College & Career Readiness, guest blogger Katie McClarty (@KatieMcClarty) kicks off the conversation on Getting Smart with 4 tips for educators who, “wish to prepare students at all levels for success in college and beyond.”
While we are on the subject, Chegg,(@chegg) student solution company, introduced a brand new online resource for students who are anywhere from looking for their first job or internship to recent grads looking for options and ways to build their careers.
Let’s Get Personalized
7. Embrace Personalization and Privacy. Definitely hot in the educational headlines, Tom (@tvanderark) participated in a panel this week at the Education Writers Association (@Edwriters) National Seminar that addressed how important it is to understand student privacy policies in order to ensure the growth of personalized learning.
8. Christensen Goes Competency. The folks at the Christensen Institute released both papers in a two-part series (find the first here) on competency based education. As the first state acknowledge mastery rather than hours of instruction and do away with the Carnegie unit, New Hampshire is a powerful example for the competency based movement.
Movers, Shakers & Ground-breakers
9. Staying Top of MIND. The non-profit MIND Research Institute (@MIND_Reserach) announced a changing of the guards today. Co-founder Dr. Matthew Peterson has been named CEO, taking over for CEO Ted Smith who announced his retirement. Peterson has been instrumental in the success and implementation of MIND’s ST Math program.
10. From MOOCs to Labs. Baidu, Inc., the leading Chinese language Internet search provider, announced that Coursera co-founder Andrew Ng (@coursera)has been chosen as their Chief Scientist. As one of the leaders in the field of artificial intelligence, Ng will be leading research efforts in Baidu’s labs in Beijing and Silicon Valley and will be stepping away from day-to-day work with Coursera.
MIND Research Institute, NewTech Network, Florida Virtual School and Digital Learning Now are Getting Smart Advocacy Partners. Coursera is a Learn Capital portfolio company where Tom Vander Ark is a partner.
An educative piece, schools sure can make its students college and career ready. www.studysear.ch