No Confusion with InfuseLearning

I have been a fan of Socrative for quite a while now. Its simplicity and immediate feedback have really helped me get an accurate reading on the pulse of my classroom. Being a self-professed edtechie, I am always on the hunt for any app or website that will help my students engage with literature. Thanks to the advice from my media center specialist and resident superhero at East Hall High School, InfuseLearning is now another excellent site I can lean on.
Whereas some apps and sites I visit are more cumbersome than they are beneficial, InfuseLearning is the exact opposite.
In fact, there is no confusion with InfuseLearning. It simply works.
Let’s take a look.

Video Tutorial #1: Quick Assessment

Video Tutorial #2: Interactive Tools

Video Tutorial #3: Quiz Management

Video Tutorial #4: Class Setup

An Unlikely Test Student

Want to hear how easy InfuseLearning is from an unlikely student? Listen to my dad’s perspective. As you’ll see, there is no confusion with InfuseLearning. Just simplicity, efficiency, and effectiveness.
And assessed learning.

John Hardison

John Hardison is an interactive facilitator of learning and blended learning specialist at East Hall High School (Studio 113 & EPiCC).

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Tyler Ferguson

You obviously haven't used it in class nor with a mix of devices. Infuselearning is pretty, but not reliable at all. I'll take Socrative's focus on scale and reliability any day.

Samantha Woodruff

Thanks for sharing your experiences. We've had very poor success with Infuse Learning on our iPads up until now. I hope their upcoming update solves the problems but can't rely on it with students.

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