K-12 Breakthrough School Models from NGLC

Here at Getting Smart, we love to celebrate the amazing things that are happening in schools across the country, and we love what Next Generation Learning Challenges grants are doing to help schools with big dreams and lofty goals jump into action. Back in July, we wrote about the 10 Signs from NGLC Winners, and today we are happy to report that you can learn more about these grantees via updated profiles on the NGLC website.
NGLC considers a “Breakthrough School” to be a new, whole-school model that incorporates all of the following design principles:
Student-Centered: designed to meet the diverse learning needs of each student every day
High Expectations: committed to ensuring that every student will meet clearly defined, rigorous standards that will prepare them for success in college and career
Self-Pacing and Mastery-Based Credit: enables students to move at their own optimal pace, and receive credit when they can demonstrate mastery of the material
Blended Instruction: optimizes teacher and technology-delivered instruction in group and individual work
Student Ownership: empowers students with the skills, information, and tools they need to manage their own learning
Financial Sustainability: sustainable on public per-pupil revenue within four years
Scalable: designed to serve many more students if it demonstrates impact
This updated set of K-12 Breakthrough School Models profiles is an excellent resource and serves as motivation for all in the world of education. The complete set includes 8 new Wave IV Launch grantees along with updates from the Wave IIIa grantees. You can find all of the profiles organized by grade level on the Breakthrough Model Designs page of the NGLC website. Added to this round of profiles is also a new Key Features Guide that helps viewers quickly gain a sense of each grantee’s model, including: launch type (new, turnaround, redesign), the type of blended learning model, and the strengths of their model (project-based, Next-Gen Staffing, competency-based, social-emotional, etc).
Interested in learning more about the NGLC grant process? The next wave of planning grants are due January 13, 2014, so visit their website to learn more, check out the profiles above, and be INSPIRED!
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