Innovative MOOC Spearheads the “Digital Learning Transition” for Leaders

The Alliance for Excellent Education and Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University have teamed up to pioneer a brand new style of Massive Online Open Course for Educators (MOOC-Ed). The purpose of the free seven series course spanning nearly two months, is to ensure effective implementation and use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. The MOOC-Ed, delivered in a blended learning, engaging format, will also help school districts meet educational challenges, including implementing college- and career-ready standards for all students.

The MOOC-Ed is part of “Project 24,” an innovative new initiative led by the Alliance for Excellent Education to help school districts plan for and effectively use technology and digital learning. The unique feature of this MOOC-Ed is the flexibility used to make it participants’ own and have it meet their needs. Resources and experts in the field will be available, but it is really up to the participants to dig in and get what they want out of it. Attendance so far for the MOOC-Ed series has shattered expectations with more than 2,500 educational leaders currently enrolled, representing all 50 states and at least 50 other countries worldwide.
The “Digital Learning Transition” MOOD-Ed wastes no time hitting the ground running. The Getting Smart team is excited to participate and learn from these valuable resources.
Unit 1 – Envisioning Schools in the Year 2020 (April 8-14), delivered thought provoking questions right from the beginning and supplied a well-rounded Q&A discussion session between participants. Participants then get the chance to submit lingering questions to an expert panel to be answered later in the MOOC-Ed. Participants also got the chance to deepen their learning about the “Digital Learning Transition” through valuable online video and reading resources.
Unit 2 – Changing the Culture of Teaching and Learning (April 15 -21) and Unit 3 – School and District Digital Learning Transitions (April 22-28) picked up right where Unit 1 left off. Both Units follow much of the same Q&A, discussion, video and reading resource format, with a few differences. Unit 2 allowed participants to create a goals and challenges statement for their School or District.
Unit 3 followed-up Unit 2 by displaying participants’ feedback about submissions, allowing participants to more clearly identify goals and challenges for the future. Once participants have realized these goals and challenges, they will prepared for the next class in the series, Unit 4 – Planning for Selected DLT Elements I (April 29 – May 5), which will be available April 29 on the website.

Getting Smart Staff

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