EdTech 10: Top 15 Announcements

We spent the week connecting with familiar edtech friends and making new ones at the ASU/GSV Education Innovation Summit (#EISummit). We were excited by the growing interest in creating more cohesive personalized experiences for students. There were loads of announcements this week, in the desert and elsewhere. In fact, there were so many that we’re breaking our normal “EdTech 10” format to bring you instead the week’s Top Announcements – all 15 of them.
Digital Learning Now! released the next paper and infographic in the DLN Smart Series – “Funding Students, Options and Achievement.” DLN also released Blended Learning & The Teaching Profession infographic.
Karen Cator was named the new CEO of Digital Promise.
Education Elements tripled its portfolio of content and application partners.
HotChalk unveiled its first HotChalk Education Index quarterly report.
LearnZillion announced a $7M raise to continue building its professional development platform that builds teachers’ content knowledge of the CCSS.
Instructure launched a massive app center.
SOPHIA introduced SOPHIA Pathways for College Credit with recent ACE Accreditation for five online general education courses.
Scholastic announced the largest product launch in its history. The Getting Smart team was impressed by President Margery Mayer’s personal demo of Math180 and iRead.
Wikispaces launched the new Wikispaces Classroom platform for its more than 14 million registered users.
Smart Sparrow launched— an online learning portal that allows anyone to create adaptive learning content.
The Return on Education (ROE) winners at the ASU/GSV Summit were announced and include Clever, Edmodo, Dreambox and more.
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced the appointment of Michael Steffen as Director of Digital Learning.
ISTE and the New Media Consortium collaborated to launch the HP Catalyst Academy, designed to accelerate STEMx education, transform teaching practices and continue to close the global skills gap.
LearnSprout was awarded top prize from the MBA Impact Investing Network.
Stanford launched another platform. Unlike MOOCs, NovoEd provides integrated social & interactive learning.
Disclosures: Digital Learning Now! and Dreambox are Getting Smart Advocacy Parnters. Edmodo and LearnZillion are Learn Capital portfolio companies, where Tom is a partner.
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