Constituting America: Informing Americans About the Importance of the Constitution
In honor of Constitution Day this September 17, 2011, Constituting America will begin a 90-day analysis of the U.S. constitution with scholars and citizens throughout the country.
The nonprofit’s community of scholars will be available for media interviews, analysis and commentary in an effort to “spark a national discussion surrounding the importance of the Constitution in contemporary civic life,” says founder Janine Turner.
“The mission of Constituting American is to engage America’s adults and students in learning about the Constitution and America’s founding principles,” says Turner. It’s doing so by hosting a contest called “We The People 9.17 Contest,” a road trip across the U.S., and a series of blogs that discuss the constitution from varying points of view.
The participating scholars include:
- David Addington
Vice President for Domestic and Economic Policy
The Heritage Foundation - Steven H. Aden, Esq.
Senior Counsel
Alliance Defense Fund - W. B. Allen
Dean Emeritus James Madison College
Emeritus Professor of Political Science
Michigan State University - John S. Baker
Professor of Law Emeritus
Louisiana State University Law School - Andrew Baskin
Legal Assistant and Researcher
The Constitutional Sources Project - James D. Best
Author, Tempest at Dawn - David J. Bobb, Ph.D.
Director and Lecturer in Politics, Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship
Hillsdale College - Justin Butterfield
Constitutional Attorney, Liberty Institute - Robert Chapman-Smith
Instructional Design Associate, Bill of Rights Institute - Horace Cooper
Legal Commentator and Senior Fellow, The Heartland Institute - Carol Crossed
Owner and President
Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum - Cynthia Dunbar
Asst. Prof. of Law
Liberty University School of Law - William Duncan
Director, Marriage Law Foundation - Scot Faulkner
Executive Director
The Dreyfuss Initiative - Colin Hanna
President, Let Freedom Ring - Allison Hayward
Vice President of Policy, Center for Competitive Politics - Hadley Heath
Senior Policy Analyst, Independent Women’s Forum - Troy Kickler, Ph.D.
Founding Director, North Carolina History Project - Joerg W. Knipprath
Professor of Law, Southwestern Law School - David B. Kopel
Research Director, Independence Institute
Adjunct Professor of Advanced Constitutional Law, Denver University, Sturm College of Law - Marc Lampkin
Quinn Gillespie and Associates - Andrew Langer
The Institute for Liberty - Gary McCaleb
Senior Counsel
Alliance Defense Fund - Dan Morenoff
Attorney - Prof. Will Morrisey
Hillsdale College - Joe Postell
Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Colorado – Colorado Springs - Jeff Reed
Former Constitutional Law Professor, Western Kentucky University - Professor Charles Rice
Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Notre Dame - Judge Jim Rogan
Superior Court of California - Tara Ross
Author, Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College - Dr. Charles K. Rowley
Duncan Black Professor of Economics at George Mason University and General Director of The Locke Institute - George Schrader
Student of Political Science, Hillsdale College - Prof. Kyle Scott
Department of Political Science
University of Houston - Mr. Kelly Shackelford
President and CEO of Liberty Institute - Julia Shaw
Research Associate and Program Manager
B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies - Lawrence J. Spiwak
President, Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal & Economic Public Policy Studies - W. David Stedman
Editor, Our Ageless Constitution - Nathaniel Stewart
Attorney, Paul S. Teller, Ph.D.
Executive Director of the Republican Study Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives - Kevin Theriot
Senior Counsel, Alliance Defense Fund
For more information about Constituting America, visit
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