In the CUE
The CUE edtech conference is at the Palm Springs convention center—a nice place to to learn about classroom computing.
Compared to previous shows, the exhibit hall has less hardware and more services reflecting this shift to cloud computing over the last 30 months. There were more 2.0 platforms including Collaborize, Edmodo, and Schoology.
Symbaloo has developed an interesting desktop with 52 customizable tiles, they call it a webmix. School of One introduced the idea of a custom learning playlist. Imagine if the whole student desktop is customized every day (or instantaneously) to reflect the best possible learning options.
Lots of smartboard stuff at CUE (not a fan, just seems like automated chalk).
Surprisingly, not many tablets at CUE. That will change next year.
Speaking of mobile student technology, we’re seeing a bit more support for BYOT (bring your own tech) as part of a high access environment. That may be the right instructional vision but the shift of state assessments from paper to online will require a floor of common access to make the psyschometricians happy. That will require a common (or relatively common) testing environment.
My assumption this week is that it will be a computer lab rotation K-6 or K-8 and a mobile device in secondary. Some states will provide the device, but most will prescribe features (i.e., at least 7 inch screen) and districts will provide them.
In a few weeks, Pearson will publish a Roadmap to guide the shift to online assessment. A June CCSSO meeting will take up this subject in earnest.
It’s evident from conferences and policy circles that the shift to personal digital learning is on.
Originally Posted on March 14, 2011
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