Standards-Based Grade Books
Over the last 72 hours I’ve reviewed three grade books that do a pretty good job of tracking competency at the subskill level–that is if you load your standards, have a curriculum that addresses those standards, and thoroughly assess knowledge and skills against those standards.
PowerTeacher, by Pearson, comes with PowerSchools, the sector leader with more than 30% share. The standards-based reporting features are a decent product upgrades that makes it pretty easy to grade in a traditional and/or standards-based method.
Pinnacle, by Global Scholar (recently acquired by Scantron) is a pretty cool instruction suite with a standards-based gradebook and pretty good analytics.
Educate, by Three Shapes, used across the Reinventing Schools Coalition. This platform was built to support the RISC competency-based school model.
Last month, I reviewed LookRed which has the best data visualization tools I’ve seen and a profile that communicate student progress in
I heard good things about Desire2Learn today and suspect they have an adequate gradebook. BrainHoney, from Agilix, gets high marks from users.

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