Superman Kids Land on White House Sofa
EEP & Signatory News
State of Black CT President Gwen Samuel is featured in a Public News Service article on her involvement as a parent in NBC’s Education Nation, which took place two weeks ago. “[Major players in education are] always saying, ‘Bringing parents in,’ You can’t bring me in as an afterthought if you have my child. So I have to be an equal player with you because only you and I working together can bring out the best in my child.”
The Atlantic interviews Rhode Island Education Commissioner Deborah Gist on her first year as commissioner, the Central Falls controversy, and her sense of urgency around education reform.
EdReformer reports that, honoring a pledge to the viewers of “Waiting for ‘Superman,’” national nonprofit venture philanthropy firm NewSchools Venture Fund announced today that it will invest $5 million in innovative education organizations to help close achievement gaps in low-income communities.
EdWeek reports that students suspended from school for fighting have no fundamental right to alternative education under the North Carolina constitution, the state’s highest court has ruled.
Sara Mead features a smart piece on education reform and teacher quality, asserting that “you’ll find lots of [reformers] talking and caring about instruction,” outside of the critics of the structural issues (charter schools, accountability, compensation, etc) of our public education system.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced the Next Generation Learning Challenges, a collaborative, multi-year initiative, which aims to help dramatically improve college readiness and college completion in the United States through the use of technology.
USA Today reports that President Obama met yesterday with the students featured in Waiting for Superman. The Huffington Post features photos from the event.
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